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Is it possible for South Korea to overtake Japan''s economy in GDP per capita in the next 10-20 years? If it’s not possible, under which conditions could South Korea overtake the Japanese economy in GDP per capita?



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锚点Glenn Luk, B.S. Economics & Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania

upxed Mar 10, 2016

Originally Answered: Is it possible for South Korea to overtake Japan''s economy in GDP per capita in the next 10-20 years?

By some measures, South Korea has already more or less caught up to Japan:

Per capita GDP (PPP): Japan is around $37k, South Korea is around $35k

Per capita GDP (nominal): Japan is listed between $33-36k, South Korea is around $28k

Human Development Index: South Korea (0.898) is slightly ahead of Japan (0.891)

Bloomberg Innovation Index: South Korea placed #1 while Japan placed #5 in 2015

South Korea and Japan have very similar economies and compete head-to-head in a number of prominent sectors like consumer electronics and automobiles. The extent to which you see companies like Samsung overtaking Sony or Hyundai slowly catching up to Toyota is a fairly accurate reflection of what is going on in the broader economies.

In terms of aggregate size, South Korea has less than half the population of Japan, so catching up in terms of gross GDP will be very difficult, barring a scenario where the two Koreas merge, successfully integrate and have a mini-baby boom sometime in the middle of this century. In such a scenario, maybe they are fully caught up by something like 2080.

Glenn Luk, 宾夕法尼亚大学经济学与计算机科学学士








锚点Bill Chen, Budding economist

Answered 16h ago


There is no north Japan and south Japan.

But the ROK or Republic of Korea is also South Korea.

South Korea''s capital markets alway trade at a discount because there is still no peace treaty. Despite the end of hostilities in 1953, we are only at the declaration of Peace stage.

Seoul, the capital and epicenter of the Korean economy, is close to the interkorean border. Thousands of artillery pieces and missiles are aimed squarely at the city. This is why both koreas have outsized armies and spend heavily on defense, despite the presence of us forces on both South Korea and Japan.

Bill Chen, 经济学新手





Byeonguk Yook, Korean American

Answered Feb 5, 2016

Originally Answered: Is it possible for South Korea to overtake Japan''s economy in GDP per capita in the next 10-20 years?

Yes. However Koreans should begin taking a different approach. The country should find something that it does well that is uniquely their stuff that everybody will need. Japan has found stuff that it does really well but is difficult to outsource. Instead obsessing about "beating" Japan, fix up the country better. Only in that way can Korea "beat" any country. Frankly the sooner new approach and thinking is adopted the better it will be.

They can''t be doing the same thing or try to follow the same path. Japan has been doing the same thing for a lot longer so they''ve a more developed infrastructure in R&D than Korea.

Byeonguk Yook, 美籍韩国人




他们不能做同样的事情,或者试图走同样的路。日本做同样的事情已经很久了,所以他们的研发基础设施比韩国更发达。 阅读原文

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