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The Chinese are like any other people in many ways, and one example is their choice of religion.


Chinese people may or may not follow any religion. Chinese people can be atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Muslims, various Christian denominations, followers of traditional Chinese deities, Hindus, and even Jews.


I have Chinese friends who are Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Buddhist, agnostic (not sure if there is a God), and atheist (don't believe in God). I am a Baptist and in my area there is a Mandarin-speaking Baptist church and another church that teaches ESL classes for Chinese immigrants who have moved to the area. One thing I have found is that regardless of their religion, the Chinese as a whole seem to respect the beliefs of others. I also respect their right to believe (or not believe) whatever they want.


If the person is a member of the Chinese Communist Party, then they must be atheist.


Westerners are misled or disinformation about China that there is no religion in China, or that China is hostile to religion, which is a misguided statement. There are many religions that are recognized in China. Many Chinese diaspora around the world believe in a variety of schools.


If you ask a Chinese person if they have faith, they will probably give you a variety of answers.



They might ask which god you're talking about. In the coastal areas, Mazu is the most popular deity because she protects ships and sailors. She is also known as the "diva" and has been worshipped as far north as Tianjin. If you enter a Mazu temple, you will also see a healthy community of various deities sharing the temple with her. The more the merrier! Everyone has one!



In any case, there are a variety of gods to choose from. The People's Republic of China is theoretically a pragmatic socialist country, and their people also worship gods, with more temples and activities in places like Hong Kong or Taiwan. For example, Taiwan Power companies learn from experience, so whenever they install large equipment, they hold proper ceremonies. Most businesses will hold simple rituals and offerings at appropriate times, and of course, people at home will also perform rituals according to their own habits.


There are also those who believe in only one God, such as Allah or Jehovah, but they are a minority and are not as flexible. For most people, if you ask them if they believe in God, they may not know how to answer, but if you ask them if they do incense, the answer is often yes.



First, Chinese religion focuses more on tradition, cosmic balance, personal balance, and ancestor worship than on gods.


Of course, there are gods, but they are more like myths about powerful souls than gods.


When Christians and Muslims - those who believe in God - began to spread their religion there, their religion was not Chinese at all. Not only are they not from China, but they are not adapted to Chinese culture. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are compatible with Chinese culture; Christianity and Islam do not.


Then came the social revolution of modern China, which meant that Christianity and Islam were not only ill-suited to Chinese culture, but also to Chinese policies or power structures. So Christianity and Islam have only a small foothold there.



The Chinese see China as their mother. The mother will always be there for the child, but the child will not ask the mother to help solve every challenge in life.


Likewise, China gives me a solid sense of security. I am a native Chinese who is currently studying overseas. For example, if there is a crisis or a terrorist attack in this country, I know that my country's embassy here will ensure my safety and bring me back to China immediately. I know that my country will always shelter and support me, and I will always be grateful to her.


To put it bluntly, most Chinese don't think much of God in times of crisis. In many Chinese myths and legends, people use their knowledge and strength to save themselves from natural disasters, rather than waiting for God or supernatural forces to be their saviors. With recent cases, such as SARS and H1N1, most of the news has been about advances in how the latest vaccines work, rather than reports of religious gatherings with prayers for health as the theme.


We respect religion. At the same time, we also believe in our ability to solve problems. Here's another example:


In the West: Long ago, God caused a great flood in the world. God told Noah to build an ark to take refuge, and then God stopped the flood.


In the East: A long time ago, there was a great flood in the world. A man named Yu the Great led the people to work hard and finally dredged the flood and overcome the natural disaster.



Do you see the difference now?


Yes, even in fairy tales, we Chinese have always believed in ourselves instead of relying on God for salvation.



You may not believe it, but in ancient China, more people worshipped Guan Yu than Confucius. He is the most chivalrous general in the Romance of The Three Kingdoms.



He is a learned general. His favorite book was Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals, which earned him the respect of Confucian scholars.


He is a man of his word. He made an adoration to Liu Bei. After a military defeat, he gained the admiration of his enemy Cao Cao, who was the emperor's prime minister at the time. In order to serve the emperor, protect the two sister-in-law left behind by his runaway brother, and meet his brother in the future, he surrenders to the Emperor (but is not an enemy). He was bribed with money, beauty, and positions by his enemies, but he only accepted the positions that the emperor offered him. He was given new clothes and a red fast horse, and he was happy for the horse, because it would allow him to find his sworn brother Liu Bei more quickly.


He killed two generals for his enemies, in the process, he saw his brother, so he took two sister-in-law to see the brother. He killed six generals stationed at the Pass because they stopped him. In all battles, he only needs to swing his broadsword once to cut off the head of his enemy.


Then, one time, he was wounded in the arm by an arrow. Since arrows are poisonous, a famous doctor, Hua Tuo, performed an operation on him to cut open his arm and scrape the poison from the bone. But he insisted on not playing Ma Fei SAN, and instead played Weiqi with his vice general.



Since his death, he has been worshipped.


In the Sui Dynasty, he was canonized as a Bodhisattva by Buddhism. In the Song Dynasty, he was revered as the "true king" by Taoism. In the Ming Dynasty, he was named "martial Sage" by the emperor. By this time, he was as important as Confucius. Shanxi people were often engaged in commercial activities in ancient times. They worshipped Guan Yu to show their credibility. So Guan Yu became the God of wealth.Since then, he has more folk temples than Confucius.


The most interesting is modern. In southern China, especially Guangdong and the Hong Kong SAR, the custom of worshiping Guan Yu still exists: during the British colonial period, the two groups most fond of worshiping Guan Yu were the Hong Kong Gangsters and the Hong Kong Police. I don't know which side he'll bless.


海外网友Gordon Hsu的回答

This question is too broad. If you ask how many religions are there in China? Thousands! Many people think that most Chinese people are atheists, but in fact it is not completely correct, but the following statement is very close: many Chinese believe in the existence of supernatural forces, but do not really rely on them. Some of us believe in different 'gods' for different purposes. Some of us believe in 'heaven and earth', which literally means the sky and earth, heaven and hell or the universe, and it controls everything. Some of us believe in souls: people have multiple lives, or their souls protect their families, and so on. Some people believe in 'yuan', which means that luck or fate connects two or more unrelated people together.


Besides religion, there are other cultural or superstitious taboos. Some taboos may be related to homophones, such as the number 4 being unlucky in China because it sounds like "" (pronounced as si) "death"; People should not use clocks as gifts, because "giving a bell" (singing a bell) and "giving a bell" sound the same as "sending the end of the day", until "the last moment with someone before their death, their funeral



China is still a Humanism country. Many Chinese believe in the existence of supernatural beings, so they are not atheists; However, supernatural beings, whether ghosts or spirits, have no higher status in the universe than humans. The existence of supernatural beings can be dangerous or powerful, just like tigers, but their role in the universe is not as significant as that of humans.


Confucius said that we should respect supernatural beings, keep a distance from them, and stay away from them. Confucius did not give supernatural beings any opportunity to disrupt human society and politics. But this does not mean that Confucius did not believe in the existence of God.


Chinese people do worship some gods, however, gods have no power over human affairs. Chinese people treat gods, if they believe in them, just like they do not have scientific means to deal with other natural phenomena. Chinese people negotiate with supernatural beings through various rituals, trade with them, and drive them out of their own lives. But they believe that humanity will always be the ruler of the universe, and that humanity is the center of the universe.



There are all kinds of people in the world. People are people. Having the same human nature. Chinese people are no exception.


Some people have reached the age of going to college and living outside. Leaving home, this group needs a new home/group/community. Under the influence of religious dissemination, they feel that weekly gatherings sound good. Who cares about Jesus. These people seek group support more than spiritual support. Once inside, they are under the control of the church.


For some people, you give them money. They will go to the church. If you give them higher wages than farmers, they will become pastors and be willing to spread Jesus. This is just a job. A comfortable job.


Humans are afraid of death and the unknown. People say there is heaven. Okay, just in case, join in.


Now it's your problem. Most Chinese people in mainland China do not believe in churches. One reason is that China also has creators and other gods.


Many Chinese people also do not welcome churches because they undermine Chinese cultural traditions.


I study ancient civilizations. All cultures have creators. All creators have created the same sun, rain, people, animals, plants, mountains, etc. This means that it is the same creator. Some are monotheistic. Some are clustered. It's okay. It is the same creator who created the same thing.


The Creator has given us different wisdom. Different wisdom=diversity=more than one religion or political system in the world. This is the design of the Creator.


Why go to heaven? We don't need to join a religion, attend weekly gatherings, listen to others' chatter, or donate money. Very free. When it's time to leave, our underworld god must accept us unconditionally. Our god will not judge or threaten us, saying, "If you don't believe me, you will go to hell


Organized religion is politics. This is about power and money. 3000 years ago, Confucius saw this and led China out of organized religion. Over the past 2000 years, China has gained freedom of religious belief and respect for other gods and religions. The West only gained freedom of religious belief after World War II.


When it comes to power and money, it means that Christianity has harmed humanity.


Article 8.2a of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples prohibits any action aimed at or actually depriving indigenous peoples of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural value or ethnic identity.


Cultural rights are a human right. The Canadian indigenous people went to the United Nations to sue the Canadian government for Cultural genocide. They won. The Canadian Government was wrong to impose European and Christian values on indigenous peoples.


I certainly hope that Chinese people are smart enough not to accept various Western sects. If you want to worship the Creator, then worship our 4000 year old religion. It is much more free than Christianity. It will not destroy Chinese culture.



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