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No, Mongolia is an independent country and a member of the United Nations, and almost no one in Mongolia wants to join China.


As far as China is concerned, no one claims that Mongolia is Chinese territory - the China has established diplomatic relations with Mongolia since its establishment, nor has Taiwan Province.


The United Nations Charter explicitly prohibits aggression by one member state against another member; Obviously, the recognition of the sovereignty of the China to an entire member state like Mongolia conforms to this definition.


In the Map of the Republic of China published in 1947, Mongolia was labeled as an independent country - the red label said: "China has recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia, although its exact border has not yet been determined."


In addition, there is geopolitical value in allowing Mongolia to do so. An independent Mongolia sandwiched between Russia and China serves as a buffer between the two countries. Now, the possibility of the Russian Federation attempting to annex Mongolia or China in this era is almost zero, but in order to prevent Russia from attempting a full-scale invasion of China, it must first pass through an independent Mongolia, which will be a more troublesome diplomatic issue for Russia because they are actually fighting against two countries, rather than one.



Incorporating Mongolia into China may make it more dependent on China, but Mongolia is already on China's track. More than 80% of Mongolia's exports go to China; Of all the other economies I can think of, only North Korea is so dependent on China.


Mongolia also stands at the crossroads of the Chinese Silk Road:


Some Chinese nationalism want Mongolia because they think that Mongolia and Mongols are part of History of China, which is true to some extent. But even so, there are more Mongolians living in China than in Mongolia itself.


In some ways, Mongolia in China is more authentic than Mongolia. In China, Mongolian language is still written in an ancient vertical font:


In Mongolia, due to the influence of Russia, Mongolian language is written in Cyrillic script, and sometimes in Latin script:


In short, from the perspective of China, reclaiming Mongolia is meaningless, let alone illegal under international law. Nowadays, asking whether China should annex Mongolia is like asking whether the United States should annex Canada. Just like the United States prefers (or should prefer, haha) Canada's good neighbors, China prefers Mongolia's good neighbors to becoming a province.



No. In fact, in order to prevent Outer Mongolia from becoming a part of China, the Russians and the founders of modern Mongolia have done a lot. First, we need to understand why Outer Mongolia can become an independent country.


Geographically, the boundary between Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia is the Gobi Desert. Outer Mongolia is in the north of the Gobi Desert, while Inner Mongolia is in the south. In ancient times, the territory of Outer Mongolia was called Mobei (northern desert), which was very desolate and cold. The Nomad would choose to take refuge in the north only if they lost a major war and had to give up traditional pastures.


In the Qing Dynasty, the names of Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia began to appear.


The land and population of Inner Mongolia are directly managed by the emperor, and the tribes are directly incorporated into the Eight Banners by the Manchu emperor. Inner Mongolia is also divided into two parts. The Mongols in the east are considered trustworthy because they helped the Manchu emperors conquer China. Therefore, they are classified as Inner Mongolia. The Mongolian people in the West are exactly the opposite. Their lord tried to unite the Russians against the Emperor of China, but failed. Their nobles were considered unreliable, so the emperor directly managed these tribes.


Outer Mongolia is different. Mongolian tribes are ruled by some Mongolian nobility. The Qing government had specialized agencies to handle these issues. Their status is similar to that of North Korea, and these leaders need to accept the emperor's seal, but the emperor actually does not control their land and people. The leader of Outer Mongolia tribe can be called Khan.


In the Qing Dynasty, Tibetan Buddhism had a high political status. In Tibet, the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama hold political and religious power. There are also two living Buddhas in Outer Mongolia. There is also a religious leader called Bokdoggen in Outer Mongolia, who is said to be the incarnation of Genghis Khan.



In 1911, the Chinese Revolution led to the establishment of the Republic of China. According to an agreement between the government of the Republic and the emperor, the Republic of China inherited all the territory of the Qing Empire.


Such a situation seriously violated the interests of Mongolian nobility and living Buddhas, so they chose independence. Bokdoggen VIII was unified politically and religiously as the King of Mongolia, and the territory of this country was basically consistent with that of modern Mongolia. But this country did not receive international recognition and was quickly defeated by China. Then China tried to republicanize Outer Mongolia, but this effort failed because the Chinese army was defeated by Bokdogan VIII and the Russian Empire, and Mongolia became a Monarchy again.


Later, the Russian Empire was soon defeated by the Soviet Union, and the Red Army entered Mongolia. Although Bokdogagen VIII preserved the throne, his power was completely deprived and he passed away soon after three years. The Mongolian People's Republic was established. Although this country has not been recognized internationally, the Communist Party actually controls the state power and has carried out profound reforms. The most obvious is the change of characters. They abandoned the traditional Mongolian characters and used Russian alphabet instead. The left side of the magazine cover below is the alphabet used by Outer Mongolia, and the right side is the traditional text, which is still used in Inner Mongolia.


In addition to the text, Mongolian habits are also deeply influenced by Russians. In fact, communication between Inner Mongolians and Mongolians is not easy. Mongolian language has many dialects. Without adaptation, it is difficult for people to understand each other's meaning. Since Mongolian language is arranged alphabetically, communication becomes more difficult.


During this period, China fell into a long civil war and was subsequently invaded by Japan. At the end of the World War II, the Government of the Government of the Republic of China and the Soviet Union signed a treaty allowing the referendum on Mongolian Revolution of 1911's independence. The Republic of China recognized Mongolia's independence in 1946, and this result was also approved by the Government of the Government of China, which won the civil war in 1949. In 1953, the Taiwan authorities abolished the Sino Soviet Friendship Treaty and denied Mongolia's independence, but the Mongolian People's Republic is still successfully participating in the United Nations and has been recognized by the international community.


From the perspective of international law, Outer Mongolia and Taiwan Province are completely different, and China has no reason to claim sovereignty over Mongolia. In addition, since Mongolia's independence, the relationship between Mongolia and China has been very complex. Nationalists are very resistant to China, but they have to rely on China economically.


Starting from reality, it is not a good thing for Mongolia to rejoin China. Although Mongolia has a long border with China, there is no border dispute, and as Mongolia weakens, this region can become the rear line for China to resist pressure from the United States. Especially, Mongolia is completely surrounded by Russia and China. Once the US military enters Mongolia, Russia will become more sensitive.


In terms of interests, Mongolia lacks a population and is difficult to cultivate large-scale desertification territories. This industry is very simple, but it has almost no value other than ore. The radical agreement with Mongolia will bring significant administrative burden and security risks to the Chinese government. It is most suitable to let the Karkans manage their own mineral resources through commercial means.



Mongolia, also known as Outer Mongolia, is located in the north of China, bordering China. It is the second largest landlocked country in the world. Mongolia is a country rich in natural resources, and animal husbandry is the main source of the national economy. Everyone knows that Mongolia was a part of China in the Qing Dynasty, but in 1921, the Soviet Union sent troops to control it and declared independence, but the northern government did not recognize it. Later, in order to win the support of the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States betrayed China and signed the Yalta Agreement with the Soviet Union, demanding Mongolia's independence. At that time, the Nationalist government was also forced to recognize Mongolia's independence.


After World War II, Outer Mongolia has been under the control of the Soviet Union. Until the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Allies were busy dividing up their territory and had no time to take care of Outer Mongolia. Why didn't China take such a good opportunity to restore the rule of Mongolia? The reasons for this situation are very complicated. Various factors have led to China's failure to restore Outer Mongolia.


First, the international situation does not allow any country to expand its territory after the World War II. At that time, Mongolia was an independent and sovereign country that received international recognition. We believe that China's recapture of Outer Mongolia is to recover lost land, but other countries will certainly not allow this to happen.


Russia's attitude is also a very important factor. Siberia is an important strategic location for Russia to engage with the Far East region. In order to prevent China from becoming so powerful that it sends troops to occupy Siberia, thereby cutting off Russia's connection with the Far East, Russia will suffer from internal injuries. Therefore, Russia also strongly opposes China's recovery of Mongolia.


Due to historical reasons, Mongolia has become an important buffer country between China and Russia. If it weren't for Mongolia, China and Russia would directly border, potentially leading to a war of mutual distrust like Germany and the Soviet Union. Maintaining the status quo is the best choice. Mongolia is playing a good buffering role, making the development of the two countries more friendly.


And the attitude of the United States. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the United States has always regarded China as the greatest threat. Therefore, it is expected that the United States will not support China's recovery of Mongolia. Not only that, the United States has also carried out violent attacks on us in other regions.


Mongolia has always regarded itself as an independent sovereign state, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Mongolian people. For Mongols in China, they have been estranged from the dynasty since ancient times, and have no sense of belonging. This form of governance inevitably faced many difficulties, so they were unwilling to restore Mongolia's territory at that time.



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