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中国网友Li Pengii的回答

You've got it wrong. This is because most Westerners have not studied Das Kapital and the related communist theory.


As "people," the rich are no different from other ordinary people, but "capital" is evil. The rich are the embodiment and personification of capital.


The essence of capital is to increase in value, and it will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. This is also the true meaning of "capitalists can sell ropes to hang themselves" in the Communist Manifesto. Capitalists are just the puppets of capital, the agents of capital in the world.


Chinese respect wealth, but Chinese are very wary of capital, please note that "wealth" and "capital" are different. "Wealth" allows you to live a happy life, while "capital" exploits and squeezes the entire society.


Of course, capital can not be eliminated, the existence of capital has its necessity and rationality, but we must be vigilant and control capital. This is the essential difference between "capitalism" and "socialism".


Let me add some history to illustrate China's attitude to capital.


China does not deny the existence and importance of capital. Both enterprises and countries cannot develop without capital. The key is how to control capital.


Firstly, the existence of socialist political power must be guaranteed.


Political development has become stable. There must be a shift towards economic construction and a more flexible approach to capital and markets. This stage is to make socialist countries rich.


Even so, China remains wary of the power of capital, and the process of cooperation has not been smooth. If you know Chinese history, you should know that in the 1980s and 1990s, China went through several twists and turns.


He knows very well what to do for the development of the country, but in his life cycle, he can only do the most important things. China calls this "historical limitation" and "historical inevitability".


Even today, China is by no means a capitalist country. This is the principle they have always followed. To use a relatively shallow but simple explanation: in some Western countries, such as the United States, politicians are slaves and agents of capital, and they obey the rules of big capital. But in China, capital is subordinate to the needs of social development. If capital crosses the line, it will take a hit.



Capital was dripping with blood from head to toe, blood and dirt in every pore. -- Karl Marx


Do other Chinese also think that all the super-rich are evil? Yes, yes!

其他中国人也认为所有超级富豪都是邪恶的吗? 是的,是的!

All you have to think about is this: humans are here on Earth. Land, minerals, animals, all kinds of resources and all kinds of things can be wealth, and everyone is free. From the start, these resources don't have someone's name on them. How do people decide who gets how much?


Do you work?


Slaves work harder than slave owners. Sweatshop kids work harder than Wall Street bosses




I don't see Einstein becoming the richest man in the world, Trump telling people to drink disinfectant while he has billions of dollars in assets, his daughter doesn't have to worry about tuition and living expenses and can enjoy the best education and schools from birth.


Is it fortune?


Even if you gain wealth through luck, how do you keep it?


Construction workers, miners and designers worked together to build a building. Are they paying enough to buy the building, and can they get the follow-on revenue that the building generates?


Why do these workers get less in return than the benefits they create? Why do capitalists get this benefit? Why are such institutions and rules established and maintained by the law, the police, the prisons, the state and other violent departments?


The only answer is: violence, aggression, colonial rule, enslavement - these are the bloody primitive accumulation of capital that accumulated the initial wealth of modern capitalism and provided the physical environment and institutional foundation for the emergence of the super-rich later on.


You were born to have a good education, health care, peace, and to live on land built by plunder. But do you really think: "I don't own slaves, so I'm not responsible for it, and I've earned everything through my own efforts?"


Kids in ruins in the Middle East, kids starving in Africa, kids in brothels in Southeast Asia, working just as hard as you


Can they be like you?


If hard work and intelligence can make you super rich, then the richest man in the world should be Einstein and his grinding donkey.



I know Westerners respect wealth. But this is not the case with the Chinese. It has been so since ancient times. This is nothing new.


Today's Chinese seek wealth, but few respect it. It sounds like a paradox, but it's a reality.


The Chinese are eager to get rich because we fear the return of the extreme poverty that left us less than a decade ago. Today's world is ruled by capitalism. Capitalism respects the rich, even to a very extreme degree. Many attribute the rapid growth to the overt or covert introduction of capitalism into the Chinese economy. The existence of capitalism has spurred Chinese people to pursue wealth by hook or by crook in some cases. So it is not surprising that the Chinese are hostile to those who got rich in the first wave of welcoming capitalism.


The rich who emerged in the second and third waves enjoyed better circumstances, and some of them were seen as role models for young people. But the rich show little interest in helping ordinary people get rich together, which is supposed to be their route to "collective prosperity".


In traditional Chinese culture, being rich is considered a sin. By "rich" I mean rich through business. Because the sages of old thought that business would bring no new "value" to the world. Farmers and agriculture are seen as the foundation of a nation. If a businessman is rich, he must take the profits of others, because he does not create "value". The richer he gets, the more he exploits others. As a result, the merchant class has been disrespected for centuries.


There are many millionaires in China today, but only a few are respected. Many, if not all, of them are thought to have made "dark money". The most recent example is Jack Ma. He used to enjoy a good reputation. But his "innovation" in finance did ensnare many young people in the "innovation" loan system.



Some Chinese people have a strong hatred for the rich, and they have a strong hatred for the rich. In history, many peasant uprisings were acts of hatred against the rich.


In order for the new China to become strong and prosperous, not to be invaded and enslaved by foreigners, not to be bullied by domestic reactionary bullies, to raise the ideological and moral awareness of Party members and the people through the "Three Anti-Five" movement, the sons and women of the Chinese people fully invested in China's industrial power and rural mechanization transformation, to live a safe and happy life, the master, selfless dedication of their own.


Since the reform and opening up, China has taken finance. High-tech, more advanced industrialization for China to a higher level as the center, a lot of scientific and technical personnel. Scientists, agricultural science and technology personnel, financial experts for the happiness of the Chinese people and the country strong people rich, this kind of people rich no one will hate rich them, because of labor and rich, for the benefit of the people, for the country to win glory and strong add rich.


However, on the way to reform the country, in order to make the country strong, many people gave everything they had, no savings, no property, hardships and hard work for decades. Laid-off, the poor step down to make way for the future generation of aspiring youth to develop their ideals to play a greater role in promoting high-tech, high-speed information construction of the powerful industrialization system and financial system, so that China strong stand on the world stage, these heroes rich Chinese people how can hate rich them. Even the laid-off poor don't hate the rich.


The Chinese people's hatred of the rich is the greed of the corrupt officials. Corrupt officials who do nothing and do nothing, who bully and oppress bullies who rob, but rich men who flow oil. Even laughing at poverty, not laughing at prostitutes, Chinese people look down on such unclean people who sell themselves for money. Those on the stage moving mouth sing, dance in the movie star, get money unknown also black, rich flow oil Chinese is hate rich strong. Therefore, Chinese people's hatred of the rich refers to the corrupt officials, unearned, bullies and hooligans. They always respect the rich people who benefit from science and technology, win glory for the country and benefit the people.

而中国人仇富的对象是贪婪无度的贪官.不作为乱作为的污吏,欺凌欺压豪夺硬抢的恶霸而富的流油的人。连笑贫不笑娼中国人心底也瞧不起这么不干净卖身争钱的人.那些在台上动动嘴巴唱的,跳的舞的电影里的什么明星,捞的钱不明亦黑,富的流油中国人更是仇富强烈。 所以.中国人仇富就指贪官污吏,不劳而获,恶霸流氓,他们从来都敬重科技造福,为国争光,为民造福的富人。

网友KokHin Lim的回答

Chinese do not hate the rich, but hate exploitation.


Exploitation means that some people or groups, by virtue of their possession or monopoly of the means of production, take free possession of the surplus labor and surplus products of those people or groups who do not have or lack the means of production.


We can see from this concept that if there is no surplus labor or surplus product, then there is certainly no exploitation. So let's go back to the last question, is there exploitation in public ownership? No, because in public ownership, all the means of production are in public ownership, and the laborer is one of the owners of the means of production.


Although not all of the surplus value created has been returned, when the capital for expanding reproduction is incorporated into the enterprise, such capital is not acquired and occupied by individual capitalists, will be returned to the owners of the means of production in the form of dividends as the value-added part of the enterprise. Therefore, in essence, it belongs to the laborers. Is there exploitation in socialist public ownership? The answer is also obvious, as long as there is public ownership, there is no exploitation.


Is it necessary for the development of productive forces in the primary stage of socialism to allow exploitation to exist within a certain range? The answer is yes.


Take our country for example, is still in and will be in the socialism primary stage for a long time, population is large, a copy kept as a record is poor, social productive forces obviously is still relatively backward, we can see from some similar son preference, public instruments private use and other customs or inertia, our country is still agricultural civilization conservative thinking quite strong country, It is difficult to fully solve the employment and livelihood problems of such a large population by relying solely on the limited financial resources of the state to develop the socialist public ownership economy, let alone to carry out the industrial revolution in ideology.


Therefore, the introduction of foreign capital (three-capital enterprises), the development of individual, private economy (private enterprises), is the inevitable choice in the construction of the primary stage of socialism. Although there will be exploitation in doing so, as long as the public ownership is the main body and the knowledge of other non-public enterprises is necessary for economic development, it is a favorable behavior to socialism, because it can promote the development of social productive forces.


Deng Xiaoping's concept of introducing non-public enterprises and developing the private economy is: "When a foreign-funded enterprise is established, workers can receive wages, the state can receive taxes, and a portion of the income from joint ventures belongs to socialism. More importantly, we can learn some good management experience and advanced technology from these enterprises to develop the socialist economy


But what about not taking public ownership as the main body? Then, obviously, there will be a resurgence of exploiting classes and systems. This is also the fundamental reason why many people oppose the separation of state-owned enterprises. As mentioned above, it is difficult to completely solve these problems by relying solely on the limited financial resources of the country to develop socialist public ownership economy, but it does not mean that all the parts of national economy and people's livelihood that the country must monopolize can be opened to private enterprises, otherwise it will lead to many behaviors that are not conducive to the people.


For example, the abolition of the salt franchise system, salt will greatly increase in price, but also there will be shovel-filled behavior, which is almost impossible to imagine when the salt country franchise. It is also a concern that ticket prices will rise as a result of the railway ministry's split. Will more people not be able to afford high-speed trains during the Spring Festival travel rush? The country used to operate at a discount, but once private capital is allowed to enter, private capital will raise ticket prices to make up for the losses. This is simple economic common sense, but also the biggest problem faced by non-public ownership.



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