
帧察点 军事



I' m here today to inform you that today, at my direction, the commanding officer of USS Theodore Roosevelt Capt. Brett Crozier was relieved of command by CSG commander RDML Stuart Baker. 


When the commanding officer of USS Teddy Roosevelt deciede to write his letter on March, 30 20:20 that outlined his concerns for his crew in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. The Department of Navy had already moblized significant resources for days and response to his previous request.


It' s important to understand that the CSG commander, the CO' s immediate boss is embarked on the Theodore Roosevelt with him, right down the passage way.


The letter was sent over non-secured, unclassified E-mail. Even though the ship has access to some of the most sophisticated communication encrypt... equipment in the fleet. And it wasn't sent up in the chain of command, it was sent and copied to a broad array of other people. It was sent outside the chain of command at the same time the rest of navy was fully responding.


Worse, the captain's action made his sailors, their family and many in the public believe that his letter was the only reason help from our larger navy family was forthcoming, which was hardly the case.


I did not come to this decision lightly. I have no doubt in my mind that Captain Crosier did what he thought was in the best interest of the safety and wellbeing of his crew. Unfortunately, it did the opposite, it unneccesarily raised alarms with the family of our sailors and marines with no plan to address those concerns. It raises the concerns of the operational capabilities and operational security of that ship that could have embolden our adversaries to seek advantage and it undermines the chain of command who had been moving and adjusting as rapidly as possible to get him the help he needed.


For these reasons, I lost confidences in his ability to continue to lead that warship as it fights through the virus, to get the crew healthy and so that it continues to meet its important national security requirements.


Capt. Crozier is an honorable man who despite this uncharacteristic lapse of judgement, has dedicated himself throughout a lifetime of incredible service to our nation. And he should be proud of that.


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