戴安娜“害群之马”毛衣逾110万元成交 图案有寓意

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英国已故戴安娜王妃(Diana, Princess of Wales)生前一件织满白色绵羊中有一只黑色绵羊的红底毛衣,星期四(9月14日)在伦敦苏富比拍卖会上以110万美元成交,是苏富比原先5万至8万美元估价的10倍以上。

由于黑羊(black sheep)也有“害群之马”之意,这件毛衣成了戴安娜穿过的最具标志性的衣服之一,似乎预示了她加入英国王室后的坎坷命运。

1981年6月,年仅19岁的戴安娜首次穿上这件毛衣观看马球比赛,她当时已经与王储查理斯(Prince Charles)订婚。

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王传森 发表评论于
"害群之马" 是一个成语,通常用来形容一个群体或团体中的某个成员,因为其行为、性格或能力不好而对整体造成负面影响。这个成语的含义是指这个人就像一匹马一样,虽然在群体中,但却是有害的。

"害群之马" 通常用于负面情境,描述那些可能引发问题、纷争、矛盾或困扰其他成员的人。这个成语强调了一个个体对整个团队或群体的不良影响,暗示该人可能需要被纠正、管理或排除出群体,以维护整体的和谐和目标的实现。
王传森 发表评论于
The term "black sheep" is often used to refer to a person who is considered different or an outsider within a particular group or family because they don't conform to the norms or values of that group. The black sheep is someone who stands out in some way, usually in a negative or unconventional way, compared to the rest of the group.

The origin of this phrase likely comes from the fact that black sheep were considered less valuable than white sheep in the context of sheep farming. White wool was typically more desirable and easier to dye than black wool, so black sheep were seen as less valuable. Over time, this symbolism was extended to describe people who were seen as outcasts or troublemakers within their social or family circles.

It's worth noting that being the "black sheep" doesn't necessarily mean that the person is doing something wrong or negative; they may simply have different beliefs, values, or lifestyles that set them apart from the majority of the group.