龙卷风“撕毁”辉瑞北卡药厂屋顶 这些药或陷长期短缺

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纳什郡警长斯通(Keith Stone)说,这家工厂储存了大量被丢弃的药物。他介绍说:“我得到报告说,有5万托盘的药品散落在设施各处,在风雨中遭到破坏。”(图自CNN视频截图)


这家工厂生产了美国医院所使用的超过25%的无菌注射剂,其他产品还包括抗感染药、神经肌肉阻滞剂以及医用小瓶和注射器。犹他健康大学的高级药学主管福克斯(Erin Fox)说,龙卷风造成的破坏“可能会导致长期短缺,而辉瑞要么将生产转移到其他地点,要么进行重建”。

纳什郡警长斯通(Keith Stone)说,这家工厂储存了大量被丢弃的药物。他介绍说:“我得到报告说,有5万托盘的药品散落在设施各处,在风雨中遭到破坏。”

Leah_lee 发表评论于
五千年 发表评论于
duty 发表评论于
elfie 发表评论于
It's Rocky Mount NC, not the Rocky mountains. The translation was wrong.
Rocky Mount is a small town in North Carolina. Tornado was a few months ago.
弟兄 发表评论于
Amita 发表评论于
roliepolieolie 发表评论于
Thanks llyhnbh for the correction. I saw the quote of 90% decades ago from the TV. They might be different sources. You are right. Even at 75%, it is still astonishing.
llyhnbh 发表评论于
Not 90%, the actual number is about 75%. That is still a very high percentage.

"Low pressure systems in the US pull warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and cool, dry air aloft from the Rocky Mountains or the High Desert in the southwest. The states that fall in between those two regions end up being in the ideal location for severe weather to ignite."
roliepolieolie 发表评论于
Tornadoes are American's nemesis. They are unpredictable and highly destructive. About 90% of the world's tornadoes occur in the US.

Every year tornadoes wreak havoc. Then people rebuild from the ruin. The cycle repeats.