
文章来源: - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
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First, the premise is wrong:


Most Chinese people never think China is "great", and we don't care whether it is great. The Chinese are very pragmatic. What we care about is whether our actual living standard meets our expectations, and whether this expectation meets our own wealth level.


This means that when China was still a developing country, the rich were willing to go to the developed countries to enjoy a better material life.


This is not unique to China. All developing countries are in a similar situation. In other words, capital never sleeps.


But does China need to feel "worried" about this? Many people may be worried about this. But I don't care. Because the rich never create wealth alone. They create wealth through more active economic activities than ordinary people. These economic activities are mainly carried out in China. By doing so, they provide employment opportunities and taxes. These rich people need to fulfill relevant tax obligations for the country. After fulfilling their tax obligations under the law, they can freely dispose of their surplus wealth as they think fit. If the country really needs them to "leave" more wealth, they can regulate it through tax rates.


Second, educational resources:


I need to emphasize again that China is a developing country. This means that our educational resources are generally inferior to those of developed countries. The distribution of educational resources is also quite uneven. If wealth allows, sending your children to western countries is still an option, which will give you greater opportunities to obtain high-quality education resources.


Of course, there are more "details" to pay attention to...


China's basic education system originated from the "elite education system" of the Soviet Union. This system is essentially to cultivate the future "elite" of the country. By default, every child has the "potential" to become the future "successor". Therefore, it sets a fairly high standard. Then, it tries to filter out the "elite" layer by layer through such high standards. This actually creates a highly competitive environment. In such a system, children with mediocre qualifications will struggle and easily become frustrated.


There are two other situations. If the children of rich families are qualified enough, they are usually more willing to let them receive basic education in China. With the resources they invested, the result is usually better than the "elite education" in the West, which aims to cultivate the so-called "noble temperament". If the children of rich families are unqualified, it is better to send them to western countries for less "strict" education, so as to have a more "happy" childhood. As far as Gu Ailing is concerned, she obviously belongs to the category of "qualified". Her basic education is basically completed through the first-class and expensive remedial classes in Beijing. According to Gu's mother, two months of study in Beijing is usually equivalent to one year of study in a private school in the United States...


Then there is higher education. The problem with China is that we have not been industrializing long enough and have not accumulated enough. Modern China has been lagging behind in science and technology. Therefore, there are still few top universities in China, which is far from the most advanced academic circles in the world. In this regard, English-speaking countries still have an absolute advantage. So for the rich, money is not a problem, they only want the "best". Of course, English-speaking countries are more common choices.


Third, stratum stability:


For the rich, class stability is almost always their top concern. In theory, China is still a socialist country. This means that when we make laws, we pay more attention to class mobility than stability.


In education, China is generally "fair". The rich have some advantages, but not much. In any case, examinations are crucial for China to obtain better educational resources. The rich can make their children better pass the exam by cramming, but they can't avoid the exam. This simple and low-cost game rule is actually a "restriction" on the children of the rich.


In the West, examinations are only a small part of the equation. The rich can get the education they want through donations, alumni relations, political and business contacts, and by allowing their children to participate in more social activities. In China, none of these approaches will work. The son of a rich businessman needs to take the same exam as the son of a farmer. This exam only needs paper and pen to complete. There are no more "shortcuts" to take. Of course, I'm not saying that under any circumstances, rich businessmen will call the university president to let their children enroll. But this is indeed illegal. If the rich businessman does this, it may be one of the reasons why he will be sent to prison in the future. He clearly needs to take risks for this.


Not only education, but all aspects of Chinese society have similar characteristics. If you want to go to college, you must pass the exam and select from all levels. If you want to enter politics, you must pass the exam and be selected at all levels.


That is to say, maintaining intergenerational stability in China is a high-cost thing and requires a lot of good luck. The rich do have advantages, but the competitive pressure from the new elites emerging from the huge civilian class is still too great.


Many factors have prompted the rich Chinese to send their children abroad, mainly in western countries. The rich can use various "legal tools" and "rules of the game". On the surface, the tax rate is higher, but in fact, if you find a good enough lawyer, the richer you are, the less tax you actually pay. Through the complex operation of trusts and charitable organizations, high estate taxes can also be avoided.


In western countries, the rich can become real "aristocrats". This is what China is trying to avoid.


This brings an interesting phenomenon. If you compare the immigrants from China and India with those from western countries, it is clear that both are developing countries, but there are certain differences in the choices after immigration. China's rich are relatively more likely to emigrate to the West and stay. This is because their wealth advantage is more obvious in western countries. China's middle class is more likely to return to China after receiving higher education in the West. This is because they usually regard western education as an advantage in domestic competition, and returning home can bring more opportunities.


Indians understand the opposite. Their upper class tends to return to China because they can usually "inherit family business" and maintain their long-term ruling class status through educational advantages. Their middle-class counterparts tend to stay in the West because they know that even if they come back, there is almost no way to move up. The Western environment seems more "fair" to them.



For thousands of years, education has been the top priority in Chinese culture. All families, rich or poor, will try their best to send their children to the best schools in order to pass the entrance examinations of the best universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Every step of the competition is so fierce that students must work very hard and still cannot enter the best schools. The West is considered the most advanced university. Sending children to the West for college education is a choice for the rich in China. After the reform and opening up, students learn English at school, so English-speaking countries are the first choice.


China has made positive contributions to the world in terms of economy and infrastructure, helping developing countries build, not destroy and war. China is sharing anti-poverty experiences with developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Central Europe. The "the Belt and Road" initiative involves more than 140 UN Member States.


In this sense, China is the world leader in helping developing countries. Even Western Europe has benefited from railway freight from China to Rotterdam and Madrid. Germany is the country with the largest sales of cars in China, as are GM, Ford. Boeing sells the most aircraft in China, and other multinational companies are also making profits. China is an economic engine and a manufacturing center. In the past 40 years, it has maintained low inflation at low prices.


The United States is undoubtedly the world leader in military power, technology, economy, finance and many other fields. However, it is necessary to have another leader to help solve the world's problems - climate change, poverty, hunger, disease, natural disasters, inflation, recession... We have enough problems to be solved by the world. China is also a big country with 4.5 times the population of the United States, which helps to make the world a better place. As long as we remember that we are brothers all over the world!



China has a long history and family structure, which is why it basically provides continuity and order for the transmission of civilization.


The foundation of Chinese education is structured, rooted in memory, and repeated efforts to comply with and instill, but again, it is structured, needs consistency, and needs to comply with principles.


Although many people will feel speechless about this, the basic reason why wealthy Chinese send their children to western schools is to provide them with one thing they cannot give in China, namely personality and free thinking. Many key Chinese scientists are educated in the West. However, integration and structure are necessary. Personality and free thinking let them see things outside their life circle.


Similarly, the Chinese-style national hero in sports competitions is the best example. They were selected from local sports associations all over China. The best athletes are selected from their families and trained strictly in regional sports facilities. A few years later, the best student union will be selected again, and the athletes selected from the region will be sent to the national sports center to select the next world-class Olympic athletes.


The college entrance examination is the gateway to a national high-quality university. Failure to achieve high scores will hinder students' academic progress and life change.


中国网友Leo Wang的回答

1. China has never said that it would become a superpower, and the Chinese people have not been foolish enough to take the initiative to play such a thankless role. It is absurd for the self-confident Americans to project their desire and claim that China wants to become a world leader.


2. Chinese students like British boarding schools. They work as much in Anglo boarding schools, but spend less time studying and more time on sports, arts and other extracurricular activities. Chinese parents especially like the balance provided by Anglo boarding schools for their children. English is the lingua franca of the world. Therefore, Chinese people hope their children can speak English fluently.


4. I'm not sure whether this situation still exists, but the doctoral degree of British universities is more valuable because you have to carry out original research to graduate. Chinese universities are too conservative (ancestor worship), and their research confirms what some famous scholars have said.


5. Silicon Valley is still a place of innovation. You need to prove that you have worked there for five years to obtain funds for Chinese startups.


6. It's good to get out of your comfort zone, which can help you build a better personality.


7. The military strategist Sun Tzu told the Chinese people to learn from their opponents. The lessons of a hundred years ago impressed them deeply.


Chinese people are good at learning from history. The Ming Dynasty thought they were great, and when they went out to see the world, they still thought they were great. Later, they decided to stay at home because there was nothing worth learning outside. China's Qing Dynasty did the same.


Then came the industrial movement. Western powers began to get involved in China. Then the official plan was to send 1000 overseas students to collect learning knowledge around the world to see how the rest of the world works and how to apply it to China.


When you think you are great and have nothing to learn from outside, you are in big trouble. It is easy to repeat the mistakes made before.


浪迹天下 发表评论于
make great again
Wafik 发表评论于
马年生 发表评论于
jabo 发表评论于
DrMargaret 发表评论于
zxxxz 发表评论于
土拨鼠拨土 发表评论于

老李子 发表评论于

洋知青 发表评论于

hillmodel 发表评论于
彼采荇兮 发表评论于
就是叼棍子叼习惯了,看见其他人不叼,觉得果然还是叼棍 才更 High End.
彼采荇兮 发表评论于
他是觉得 华人都跟他一样不能提问,只能像他一样,主人说go,就去叼棍。
jbf 发表评论于

每个国家都会说自己国家伟大。越是伟大的国家越是鼓励一些人到国外去,把国外的知识技术带回去。 即使不回去,出国的人越多自己国家的影响力也越大。

US_Lion 发表评论于
彼采荇兮 发表评论于
我说 华人提的问题,就是瞧不起华人? What kind of Brain do you have? 你脑子怎么长的?

scbean 发表评论于 2023-01-19 14:12:31彼采荇兮 发表评论于 2023-01-19 14:09:19
所以我说提出这个问题的 是 “华人”, 你所说不正好证明这一点么? 西方人根本就不会把留学和母国伟大不伟大建立因果联系。 又因为脑容量问题理解不了吧?
呵呵,这么瞧不起华人?那就更是红粉五毛眼里的憨贱卖锅蠈啦! 又因为脑容量问题理解不了吧?
iwbh 发表评论于
湾区范儿 发表评论于
Frank1818 发表评论于
寓形宇内 发表评论于
humimm 发表评论于
说中国人务实还不如说他们可怜, 当利益和自由摆在面前二选一的时候, 中国人选择了利益, 他们不仅舍弃了自由, 还舍弃了良心, 牺牲农民, 牺牲孩子, 牺牲女性, 牺牲弱势群体, 牺牲台湾人(他们不关心台湾同胞, 他们想要中国称霸, 从而得到中国霸权的红利), 牺牲新疆人(就算中国人知道新疆的事情是真的, 他们依旧会支持政府的, 因为这对汉人有利),,,,只要自己有饭吃,自己的生活越来越富裕, 其它的都是可有可无的。 而中国人为啥渴望财富呢,因为缺乏安全感, 人们普遍认为自己有钱, 国家强大, 这会带来安全感
tesuji 发表评论于
*summer* 发表评论于
iloveCCP 发表评论于
不入虎穴焉得虎子? 不远万里来到美国, 这是什么精神? 这是国际共产主义精神。 共产党的最高目标是实现全人类共产主义。美国还是处在万恶的资本主义阶段, 你不来美国, 不输出革命, 怎么解放美国, 在美国实现共产主义?

99%的人以为中国人来美国就是为挣更多的钱, 为了过舒适的生活。 他们之所以这么认为, 是因为他们格局太小了。 即使有些党员干部, 和党的媒体也抹黑诋毁中国人移民美国, 那是因为他们早忘记了党的初心, 忘记了国际歌里的法语单词internaionle。

我本人就是怀抱这种远大理想来美国留学, 工作,生活的, 我也向组织提出过要求支持我建立壮大北美地下共产党组织, 尽管没有收到重视, 甚至是嗤之以鼻, 但我任然不忘初心, 尽力做我力所能及的。
newbigman 发表评论于
留学生归国上升 原因很多, 不可一概论之!
1) 新一代权贵子女比例更高。 就像习公主那样的, 中国会给她无尽的资源, 无尽的舞台, 她当然应该回去。
2) 不像老一代留学生, 新一代留学生大都是独生子。 他们不回去, 老人怎麽办?
3)当然, 中国收入上升, 两国差距减小也是一个原因。
吃素的狼 发表评论于
tesuji 发表评论于
Canterbury 发表评论于
大家说的瓜瓜实际上是个不错的人。我上学时跟他有一点交集。虽然属于权贵,但他的学习还真不错。个别违纪的是有过 比如在宿舍抽水烟被开除出学院的宿舍。但这在一般大学生里不算过于出格。比起其它的二代来说他是个难得的人才。
彼采荇兮 发表评论于
有什么奇怪,现在不是那么有钱的也愿意把孩子送国外。 美国 不是一样有 Foreign Exchange program. 就是为了开阔眼界呗?如果孩子喜欢国外生活就在国外,喜欢在国内就国内。

问这个问题的应该也是 “华人”。因为就西方 “自由主义”者 来说,把孩子送不送往国外,是个人自由选择,和 母国是不是伟大没有关系。
美国人 还能把自己的孩子送到 非洲 和 海地去呢,难道美国人就不如 非洲和 海地伟大了?
newbigman 发表评论于

青山留夕阳 发表评论于
Canterbury 发表评论于
北京老马 发表评论于
北京老马 发表评论于
偶偶地来一发 发表评论于

reno2389 发表评论于 2023-01-19 11:57:11那些叫嚣三年期间中国政府不需他们回国的人,告诉你们,如果家人有紧急情况的,还是可以回国的,尽管手续复杂。
Radianz 发表评论于
中国吹,美国捧。 一个吹后有自信。 一个捧后有围堵理由。
zhanglao9 发表评论于
一条小路 发表评论于
zhanglao9 发表评论于
文学城普通人 发表评论于
最后那个中国来的孩子傻的要命还自以为。周围一堆英国体系3年搞定的博士,我话就不多说了。我敢保证self-confident American是他现在在硅谷工作的目标
Canterbury 发表评论于
Reno 住在哪?哪位大侠知道?
其实不想飞 发表评论于
游浪者 发表评论于
内裤超人 发表评论于
unanimous 发表评论于
楼下张老九常常讽刺中国政府, 习主席, 说反话,冷嘲热讽, 影响十分不好, 希望有人举报, 回国就抓进神经病医院, 喂药, 他就不敢了
zhanglao9 发表评论于
unanimous 发表评论于
中国伟大, 为啥都想移民美国? 事实胜于雄辩
zhanglao9 发表评论于
逐风 发表评论于
楼下rpo, 能不能帮助台湾的Ruby Tsao 女士修改一下她的英语写作?
山龙 发表评论于
reno2389 发表评论于
roliepolieolie 发表评论于
这个老外不懂得,在中国一切都是用力过猛,结果贬值无处不在。形容词贬值尤其明显。‘美女’就是个女人。‘豪宅’居然是套公寓。中国人不把牛吹死决不罢休同样的。'Great' should be interpreted as 'OK'. Once foreigners get the hang of it, they will be able to correctly decipher Chinese propaganda.
恰好 发表评论于
旧金山叔叔 发表评论于
1. 中国名人,比如央视主持人董卿,把小孩生在美国的;举哪怕一个美国名人特意把小孩生在中国的
2. 中国名人,有钱人,官员,在美国置办各种地产的;
3. 中国各类“成功”人士人移民来万恶的腐朽的美帝的;反过来能举一个哪怕例子吗?
4. 中国成功人士和家属,公开或是私下持有美国绿卡的;
zhanglao9 发表评论于
wisfan 发表评论于
舒展 发表评论于
美国的教育是No #1.这是公认的。没人会质疑的。
偶偶地来一发 发表评论于

其实不想飞 发表评论于
size0 发表评论于
洋知青 发表评论于

size0 发表评论于
zhanglao9 发表评论于
其实不想飞 发表评论于
神秘的独角兽 发表评论于
山龙 发表评论于
jstray 发表评论于
蓝靛厂 发表评论于
roliepolieolie 发表评论于
Readers can pretty much skip the long boring answers because they failed to answer the question. Foreigners, like the one who posed the question, heard that China is a great power from Chinese propaganda machines. Hence the legitimate question...
tudoutudou99 发表评论于