世纪相遇!美国今年将出现这一奇景 每221年才有一次
Two broods of cicadas are expected to emerge at the same time this spring, and one could impact parts of Maryland and Virginia. https://t.co/oBnfA8sbP9
— WTOP (@WTOP) January 22, 2024
美国广播公司(ABC News)报导,2024年将是重要的一年,除了总统大选、日全食之外,还有2种蝉的世纪相遇,它们分别要在地下蛰伏13年和17年才会破土而出,因此生命周期睽违221年首度重叠,成为难能可贵的奇景。
Forget elections, wars! "This spring, for the first time since 1803, two cicada groups known as Brood XIX, or the Great Southern Brood, and Brood XIII, or the Northern Illinois Brood [~ a trillion cicadas], are set to appear at the same time, in what is known as a dual… pic.twitter.com/cpeRpA83q4
— Andrew Revkin ???? ️ (@Revkin) January 20, 2024
就在今年4月底、5月初,北美洲特有的“布鲁德13号蝉”(Brood XIII)将在蛰伏地下17年后,于伊利诺州北部羽化。
与此同时,“布鲁德19号蝉”(Brood XIX)也会在蛰伏13年后,出现于美国东南部地区。
Forget elections, wars! "This spring, for the first time since 1803, two cicada groups known as Brood XIX, or the Great Southern Brood, and Brood XIII, or the Northern Illinois Brood [~ a trillion cicadas], are set to appear at the same time, in what is known as a dual… pic.twitter.com/cpeRpA83q4
— Andrew Revkin ???? ️ (@Revkin) January 20, 2024
俄亥俄州默瑟大学生物学教授、昆虫学家克里茨基(Dr. Gene Kritsky)在官方网站cicadasafari.org表示,这2种蝉同时出现是很罕见的,每221年才会发生。
上一次同时出现要追溯到1803年,当时国家元首还是美国第三任总统、开国元勋托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)。