特朗普2020国情咨文:美国价值观重现! 全文翻译

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美东时间2月4日晚9点,美国总统川普在国会联席会议上发表国情咨文演说,主题为伟大美国回归(The Great American Comeback)。

Remarks by President Trump in State of the Union Address


Issued on:February 4, 2020


U.S. Capitol


Washington, D.C.


9:06 P.M. EST


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.


Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States (applause) and my fellow citizens:


Three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible results. Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again. (Applause.) Americas enemies are on the run, Americas fortunes are on the rise, and Americas future is blazing bright.

三年前,我们发起了伟大的美国回归。今晚,我站在你们面前分享令人难以置信的成果。就业机会在增长,收入在飞涨,贫困在直线下降,犯罪在下降,信心上升,我们的祖国正在蓬勃发展并再次受到高度尊重。 (掌声)美国的敌人在逃亡,美国的财富在增加,美国的未来耀眼光明。

The years of economic decay are over. (Applause.) The days of our country being used, taken advantage of, and even scorned by other nations are long behind us. (Applause.) Gone too are the broken promises, jobless recoveries, tired platitudes, and constant excuses for the depletion of American wealth, power, and prestige.

经济衰退的岁月已经过去。 (掌声)我们国家被其它国家利用,占便宜,甚至鄙视的日子已经逝去。 (掌声)被打碎的诺言,没有工作的复苏,陈词滥调,以及不断用借口消耗美国财富,权力和威望的日子也一去不复返了。

In just three short years, we have shattered the mentality of American decline, and we have rejected the downsizing of Americas destiny. We have totally rejected the downsizing. We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago, and we are never, ever going back. (Applause.)

在短短的三年内,我们打碎了美国衰落的心态,我们摒弃了那种要使美国命运受损的做法。我们完全拒绝美国受损。我们正以不久前无法想像的速度向前迈进,而且我们永远也不会回头。 (掌声。)

I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been. Our military is completely rebuilt, with its power being unmatched anywhere in the world and its not even close. Our borders are secure. Our families are flourishing. Our values are renewed. Our pride is restored. And for all of these reasons, I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress: The state of our Union is stronger than ever before. (Applause.)

今晚我很高兴向你们报告,我们的经济是有史以来最好的。我们的军队已经完全重建,其力量在世界上任何地方都无法比拟-甚至无法与之相提并论。我们的边界是安全的。我们的家庭蓬勃发展。我们的价值观得到了复兴。我们的自豪感得以恢复。出于所有这些原因,我对我们这个伟大国家的人民和国会议员说:我们的联盟状态比以往任何时候都更强大。 (掌声。)

The vision I will lay out this evening demonstrates how we are building the worlds most prosperous and inclusive society one where every citizen can join in Americas unparalleled success and where every community can take part in Americas extraordinary rise.


From the instant I took office, I moved rapidly to revive the U.S. economy slashing a record number of job-killing regulations, enacting historic and record-setting tax cuts, and fighting for fair and reciprocal trade agreements. (Applause.) Our agenda is relentlessly pro-worker, pro-family, pro-growth, and, most of all, pro-American. (Applause.) Thank you. We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed very, very high.

从上任的那一刻起,我就迅速采取行动来振兴美国经济-大量的废除了损害就业的法规,制定历史性和创纪录的减税措施,并为公平和互惠的贸易协定而战。 (掌声)我们的议程是不懈的支持工人,支持家庭,支持增长,最重要的是支持美国人民。 (掌声)谢谢。我们正以无比乐观的态度前进,并高举包容我们每个种族,肤色,宗教和信念的旗帜。

Since my election, we have created 7 million new jobs 5 million more than government experts projected during the previous administration. (Applause.)

自从我当选以来,我们创造了700万个新工作,比上届政府专家们预计的多了500万。 (掌声。)

The unemployment rate is the lowest in over half a century. (Applause.) And very incredibly, the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than any administration in the history of our country. (Applause.) True. If we hadnt reversed the failed economic policies of the previous administration, the world would not now be witnessing this great economic success. (Applause.)

失业率是半个多世纪以来最低的。 (鼓掌)而且,令人难以置信的是,在我的政府领导下,平均失业率低于我国历史上的任何一届政府。 (鼓掌)是的。如果我们没有扭转上届政府失败的经济政策,那么世界将不会见证这种巨大的经济成功。 (掌声。)

The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history. (Applause.) African American youth unemployment has reached an all-time low. (Applause.) African American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded. (Applause.)

非洲裔美国人,西班牙裔美国人和亚裔美国人的失业率已达到历史最低水平。 (掌声)非裔美国人的年轻人失业率已达到历史最低点。 (掌声)非裔美国人的贫困率已降至有记录以来的最低水平。 (掌声。)

The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level in almost 70 years. And, last year, women filled 72 percent of all new jobs added. (Applause.)

妇女的失业率达到近70年来的最低水平。而且,去年,女性填补了所有新增工作的72%。 (掌声。)

The veterans unemployment rate dropped to a record low. (Applause.) The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low. (Applause.)

退伍军人的失业率降至历史新低。 (掌声)残疾人士的失业率达到历史最低点。 (掌声。)

Workers without a high school diploma have achieved the lowest unemployment rate recorded in U.S. history. (Applause.) A record number of young Americans are now employed. (Applause.)

没有高中文凭的工人的失业率是美国历史上最低的。 (掌声)年轻美国人就业数量现在创创纪录的。 (掌声。)

Under the last administration, more than 10 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Under my administration, 7 million Americans have come off food stamps, and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare. (Applause.)

在上届政府领导下,超过1000万人领食品券卷。在我执政下,有700万人脱离了食品券,使1000万人不再依靠福利救济了。 (掌声。)

In eight years under the last administration, over 300,000 working-age people dropped out of the workforce. In just three years of my administration, 3.5 million people working-age people have joined the workforce. (Applause.)

在上届政府任职的八年中,超过300,000个工作年龄的人退出劳动大军。在我执政的短短三年中,已有350万人(即适龄劳动者)加入了劳动大军。 (掌声。)

Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47 percent three times faster than the increase for the top 1 percent. (Applause.) After decades of flat and falling incomes, wages are rising fast and, wonderfully, they are rising fastest for low-income workers, who have seen a 16 percent pay increase since my election. (Applause.) This is a blue-collar boom. (Applause.)

自从我当选以来,收入低的那一半工薪族的净资产增长了47%,是收入最高的那1%的人群增长速度的三倍。 (掌声)经过几十年的收入停滞和下降之后,工资增长迅速-令人惊奇的是,自我当选以来,有目共睹的是低收入工人工资增长了16%。 (掌声)这是蓝领繁荣时期。 (掌声。)

Real median household income is now at the highest level ever recorded. (Applause.)

现在,实际居中家庭的收入数达到有史以来的最高水平。 (掌声。)

Since my election, U.S. stock markets have soared 70 percent, adding more than $12 trillion to our nations wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible. This is a record. It is something that every country in the world is looking up to. They admire. (Applause.) Consumer confidence has just reached amazing new highs.

自从我当选以来,美国股市已飙升70%,使美国的财富增加了超过12万亿美元,超越了任何人的想像。这是一个记录。这是世界上每个国家都在向往的事情。他们佩服(我们)。 (掌声)消费者信心刚刚达到惊人的新高。

All of those millions of people with 401(k)s and pensions are doing far better than they have ever done before with increases of 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 percent, and even more.


Jobs and investments are pouring into 9,000 previously neglected neighborhoods thanks to Opportunity Zones, a plan spearheaded by Senator Tim Scott as part of our great Republican tax cuts. (Applause.) In other words, wealthy people and companies are pouring money into poor neighborhoods or areas that havent seen investment in many decades, creating jobs, energy, and excitement. (Applause.) This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this. Its all working.

得益于机会区(Opportunity Zones)计划,就业和投资涌入了9000个先前被忽视的社区,该计划由参议员蒂姆斯科特(Tim Scott)率先提出,是共和党大幅减税的一部分。 (鼓掌)换句话说,富裕的人和公司正在向贫困地区或区域投入资金,那样的投资是数十年来从未见过的,创造了就业机会,精力和激情。 (掌声)这是这些应得的社区第一次看到这样的事情。一切都好。

Opportunity Zones are helping Americans like Army veteran Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio. After struggling with drug addiction, Tony lost his job, his house, and his family. He was homeless. But then Tony found a construction company that invests in Opportunity Zones. He is now a top tradesman, drug-free, reunited with his family, and he is here tonight. Tony, keep up the great work. Tony. (Applause.) Thank you, Tony.

机会区(Opportunity Zones)计划正在帮助像俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的退伍军人托尼兰金斯这样的美国人。在吸毒成瘾后,托尼失去了工作,房子和家人。他无家可归。但是后来,托尼找到了一家在商机区投资的建筑公司。他现在是一位高级商人,不吸毒,与家人团聚,今晚他在这里。托尼,继续努力。托尼(掌声)谢谢托尼。

Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark criminal justice reform into law. Everybody said that criminal justice reform couldnt be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done. (Applause.)

我们繁荣的经济有史以来第一次使许多曾是囚犯的人有能力获得一份出色的工作和一个新的起点。人生中的第二次机会之所以成为可能,是因为我们我们通过了具有里程碑意义的刑事司法改革成为法律。所有人都说无法完成刑事司法改革,但我做到了,是这个会议室里的人们做到的。 (掌声。)

Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world, by far. (Applause.) With the tremendous progress we have made over the past three years, America is now energy independent, and energy jobs, like so many other elements of our country, are at a record high. (Applause.) We are doing numbers that no one would have thought possible just three years ago.

得益于我们大胆的减少管制运动,到目前为止,美国已成为世界范围内第一大石油和天然气生产国。 (掌声)在过去三年中我们取得了巨大的进步,美国现在是能源独立的,与我们国家的许多其它部门一样,能源工作也达到了历史新高。 (掌声)我们正在做的数字是三年前没人能想到的。

Likewise, we are restoring our nations manufacturing might, even though predictions were, as you all know, that this could never, ever be done. After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new factories under my administration, with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built. (Applause.) Companies are not leaving; they are coming back to the USA. (Applause.) The fact is that everybody wants to be where the action is, and the United States of America is indeed the place where the action is. (Applause.)

同样,我们在恢复我们国家的制造业实力,即使预测曾如此,如你所知,永远不可能完成(如果不是我执政)。在前两个政府失去了60,000家工厂后,美国目前在我的执政下增加了12,000个新工厂,成千上万的工厂和工厂正在计划或建造中。 (掌声)公司没有离开;他们正在回到美国。 (掌声)事实是每个人都希望成为行动的地方,而美国确实是行动的地方。 (掌声。)

One of the biggest promises I made to the American people was to replace the disastrous NAFTA trade deal. (Applause.) In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason that I decided to run for President. Following NAFTAs adoption, our nation lost one in four manufacturing jobs. Many politicians came and went, pledging to change or replace NAFTA, only to do so, and then absolutely nothing happened. But unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises. We did our job. (Applause.)

我对美国人民的最大承诺之一就是取代灾难性的北美自由贸易协定。 (掌声)事实上,不公平的贸易也许是我决定竞选总统的唯一最大原因。采纳北美自由贸易协定后,美国失去了四分之一的制造业职位。许多政客来来去去,承诺要改变或取代北美自由贸易协定,只是嘴上说,然后绝对没有也没做。但是,我信守诺言,与其他许多人前任不同,。我们做了我们的工作。 (掌声。)

Six days ago, I replaced NAFTA and signed the brand-new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement into law. The USMCA will create nearly 100,000 new high-paying American auto jobs, and massively boost exports for our farmers, ranchers, and factory workers. (Applause.) It will also bring trade with Mexico and Canada to a much higher level, but also to be a much greater degree of fairness and reciprocity. We will have that: fairness and reciprocity. And I say that, finally, because its been many, many years that we were treated fairly on trade. (Applause.)

六天前,我签署了全新的《美国,墨西哥,加拿大协议》,取代了北美自由贸易协定。 USMCA将创造近100,000个新的高薪美国汽车就业机会,并大大促进我们的农民,牧场主和工厂工人的(产品)出口。 (掌声)这也将使与墨西哥和加拿大的贸易达到更高的水平,也将带来更大程度的公平与互惠。我们将拥有:公平与互惠。我要说的是,最后,因为多年来,我们在贸易上受到了公平对待。 (掌声。)

This is the first major trade deal in many years to earn the strong backing of Americas labor unions. (Applause.)

这是多年来第一个主要贸易协议,是赢得美国工会坚强支持的。 (掌声。)

I also promised our citizens that I would impose tariffs to confront Chinas massive theft of Americas jobs. Our strategy has worked. Days ago, we signed the groundbreaking new agreement with China that will defend our workers, protect our intellectual property, bring billions and billions of dollars into our treasury, and open vast new markets for products made and grown right here in the USA. (Applause.)

我还向我们的公民许诺,我将征收关税,以应对中国大规模盗窃美国就业岗位的情况。我们的战略见效了。几天前,我们与中国签署了具有开创性的新协议,该协议将捍卫我们的工人,保护我们的知识产权,将数十亿美元的资金投入我们的国库,并为在美国生产和种植的产品打开广阔的新市场。 (掌声。)

For decades, China has taken advantage of the United States. Now we have changed that, but, at the same time, we have perhaps the best relationship weve ever had with China, including with President Xi. They respect what weve done because, quite frankly, they could never really believe that they were able to get away with what they were doing year after year, decade after decade, without someone in our country stepping up and saying, Thats enough. (Applause.) Now we want to rebuild our country, and thats exactly what were doing. We are rebuilding our country.


As we restore (applause) American leadership throughout the world, we are once again standing up for freedom in our hemisphere. (Applause.) Thats why my administration reversed the failing policies of the previous administration on Cuba. (Applause.)

当我们恢复了(掌声)美国在世界各地的领导地位时,我们再次捍卫我们半球的自由。 (鼓掌)这就是为什么我的政府扭转了前政府对古巴的失败政策。 (掌声。)

We are supporting the hopes of Cubans, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to restore democracy. The United States is leading a 59-nation diplomatic coalition against the socialist dictator of Venezuela, Nicols Maduro. (Applause.) Maduro is an illegitimate ruler, a tyrant who brutalizes his people. But Maduros grip on tyranny will be smashed and broken.

我们支持古巴人,尼加拉瓜人和委内瑞拉人恢复民主的希望。美国领导着一个由59个国家组成的外交联盟,反对委内瑞拉的社会主义独裁者尼古拉斯马杜罗(NicolsMaduro)。 (掌声)马杜罗(Maduro)是一个非法的统治者,是暴虐他的人民的暴君。但马杜罗(Maduro)对专制的控制将被粉碎和瓦解。

Here this evening is a very brave man who carries with him the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of all Venezuelans. Joining us in the Gallery is the true and legitimate President of Venezuela, Juan Guaid. (Applause.) Mr. President, please take this message back to your homeland. (Applause.) Thank you, Mr. President. Great honor. Thank you very much.

今天晚上,这里有一个非常勇敢的人,他怀带着所有委内瑞拉人民的希望,梦想和愿望。委内瑞拉的真正合法总统胡安瓜伊多(JuanGuaid)将加入我们。 (掌声)总统先生,请将此信息带回你的家园。 (鼓掌)谢谢总统先生。太荣幸了非常感谢你。

Please take this message back that all Americans are united with the Venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom. Thank you very much, Mr. President. (Applause.) Thank you very much.

请将我的这个信息带给你的国民:所有美国人和,在争取自由的正义斗争中的与委内瑞拉人民团结在一起。总统先生,非常感谢。 (鼓掌)非常感谢。

Socialism destroys nations. But always remember: Freedom unifies the soul. (Applause.)

社会主义摧毁了国家。但请永远牢记:自由统一灵魂。 (掌声。)

To safeguard American liberty, we have invested a record-breaking $2.2 trillion in the United States military. (Applause.) We have purchased the finest planes, missiles, rockets, ships, and every other form of military equipment, and its all made right here in the USA. (Applause.)

为了维护美国的自由,我们在美国军方投入了创纪录的2.2万亿美元。 (掌声)我们已经购买了最优质的飞机,导弹,火箭弹,轮船以及所有其它种类的军事装备,而且都是在美国制造的。 (掌声。)

We are also getting our allies, finally, to help pay their fair share. (Applause.) I have raised contributions from the other NATO members by more than $400 billion, and the number of Allies meeting their minimum obligations has more than doubled.

我们也得到了盟友的帮助,最后,(他们)支付他们应付的的份额。 (掌声)我已将北约其它成员国的捐款增加了4,000亿美元,而履行最低义务的盟国数目也增加了一倍以上。

And just weeks ago, for the first time since President Truman established the Air Force more than 70 years earlier, we created a brand-new branch of the United States Armed Forces. Its called the Space Force. (Applause.) Very important.


In the Gallery tonight, we have a young gentleman. And what he wants so badly 13 years old Iain Lanphier. Hes an eighth grader from Arizona. Iain, please stand up.


Iain has always dreamed of going to space. He was the first in his class and among the youngest at an aviation academy. He aspires to go to the Air Force Academy, and then he has his eye on the Space Force. As Iain says, Most people look up at space. I want to look down on the world. (Laughter and applause.)


But sitting behind Iain tonight is his greatest hero of them all. Charles McGee was born in Cleveland, Ohio, one century ago. Charles is one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen the first black fighter pilots and he also happens to be Iains great-grandfather. (Applause.) Incredible story.

但是今晚坐在伊恩身后是他最伟大的英雄,无人能比。查查尔斯麦基在一世纪前出生于俄亥俄州克利夫兰。查尔斯是最后幸存的塔斯基吉航空兵(Tuskegee Airmen)之一-首批黑人战斗机飞行员-他也恰好是伊恩的曾祖父。 (掌声)令人难以置信的故事。

After more than 130 combat missions in World War Two, he came back home to a country still struggling for civil rights and went on to serve America in Korea and Vietnam. On December 7th, Charles celebrated his 100th birthday. (Applause.) A few weeks ago, I signed a bill promoting Charles McGee to Brigadier General. And earlier today, I pinned the stars on his shoulders in the Oval Office. General McGee, our nation salutes you. Thank you, sir. (Applause.)

在第二次世界大战中执行了130多次战斗任务后,他回到了仍在为民权而奋斗的国家,并继续去韩国和越南为美国服务。 12月7日,查尔斯庆祝他的100岁生日。 (掌声)几周前,我签署了一项法案,将查尔斯麦基提升为准将。今天早些时候,在椭圆形办公室我把星星钉(勋章)别在他的肩膀上。麦基将军,我们国家向你致敬。谢谢你,先生。 (掌声。)

From the pilgrims to the Founders, from the soldiers at Valley Forge to the marchers at Selma, and from President Lincoln to the Reverend Martin Luther King, Americans have always rejected limits on our childrens future.


Members of Congress, we must never forget that the only victories that matter in Washington are victories that deliver for the American people. (Applause.) The people are the heart of our country, their dreams are the soul of our country, and their love is what powers and sustains our country. We must always remember that our job is to put America first. (Applause.)

国会议员,我们永远不要忘记,华盛顿唯一重要的胜利就是为美国人民带来的胜利。 (掌声)人民是我们国家的心脏,他们的梦想是我们国家的灵魂,他们的爱推动和支撑我们国家。我们必须永远记住,我们的工作是把美国放在首位。 (掌声。)

The next step forward in building an inclusive society is making sure that every young American gets a great education and the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. Yet, for too long, countless American children have been trapped in failing government schools. To rescue these students, 18 states have created school choice in the form of Opportunity Scholarships. The programs are so popular that tens of thousands of students remain on a waiting list.


One of those students is Janiyah Davis, a fourth grader from Philadelphia. Janiyah. (Applause.) Janiyahs mom, Stephanie, is a single parent. She would do anything to give her daughter a better future. But last year, that future was put further out of reach when Pennsylvanias governor vetoed legislation to expand school choice to 50,000 children.


Janiyah and Stephanie are in the Gallery. Stephanie, thank you so much for being here with your beautiful daughter. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

珍妮雅和斯蒂芬妮都在大厅。斯蒂芬妮,非常感谢你和你美丽的女儿在这里。非常感谢你们。 (掌声。)

But, Janiyah, I have some good news for you, because I am pleased to inform you that your long wait is over. I can proudly announce tonight that an Opportunity Scholarship has become available, its going to you, and you will soon be heading to the school of your choice. (Applause.)

但是,珍妮雅,我为你带来一些好消息,因为很高兴通知你,你的漫长等待已经结束。我可以今晚自豪地宣布,机会奖学金已经开始提供给你,你将很快去你选择的学校。 (掌声。)

Now I call on Congress to give one million American children the same opportunity Janiyah has just received. Pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunities Act because no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school. (Applause.)

现在,我呼吁国会给美国百万儿童同样的机会,如珍妮雅刚刚拥有的。通过《教育自由奖学金和机会法》,因为任何父母都不应被迫将孩子送到失败的公立学校。 (掌声。)

Every young person should have a safe and secure environment in which to learn and to grow. For this reason, our magnificent First Lady has launched the BE BEST initiative to advance a safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free life for the next generation online, in school, and in our communities. Thank you, Melania, for your extraordinary love and profound care for Americas children. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

每个年轻人都应该有一个学习和成长的安全环境。因此,我们极好的第一夫人发起了成为最好(BE BEST)计划, 在网络,在学校和在社区中,旨在为下一代改善安全,健康,支持和拒绝毒品的生活。谢谢梅拉尼娅,感谢你对美国孩子们的热爱和深切关怀。非常感谢你。 (掌声。)

My administration is determined to give our citizens the opportunities they need regardless of age or background. Through our Pledge to American Workers, over 400 companies will also provide new jobs and education opportunities to almost 15 million Americans.


My budget also contains an exciting vision for our nations high schools. Tonight, I ask Congress to support our students and back my plan to offer vocational and technical education in every single high school in America. (Applause.)

我的预算还包含了对我们国家的高中令人兴奋的愿景。今晚,我请国会支持我们的学生,并支持我在美国每所高中提供职业和技术教育的计划。 (掌声。)

To expand equal opportunity, I am also proud that we achieved record and permanent funding for our nations historically black colleges and universities. (Applause.)

为了扩大机会均等,我也感到自豪,我们为美国历史悠久的黑人大学提供了创纪录的永久性资助。 (掌声。)

A good life for American families also requires the most affordable, innovative, and high-quality healthcare system on Earth. Before I took office, health insurance premiums had more than doubled in just five years. I moved quickly to provide affordable alternatives. Our new plans are up to 60 percent less expensive and better. (Applause.)

为了使美国家庭过上美好的生活,还需要地球上最能负担得起,创新和高质量的医疗保健系统。在我上任之前,健康保险费在短短五年内就翻了一番。我迅速采取行动,提供了负担得起的替代方案。我们的新计划可将价格便宜多达60%,甚至更好。 (掌声。)

Ive also made an ironclad pledge to American families: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. (Applause). And we will always protect your Medicare and we will always protect your Social Security. Always. (Applause.)

我也向美国家庭做出了坚定的承诺:我们将始终保护患已有疾病患者。 (掌声)。我们将始终保护你的医疗保险,并始终保护你的社会保障。永远。 (掌声。)

The American patient should never be blindsided by medical bills. That is why I signed an executive order requiring price transparency. (Applause.) Many experts believe that transparency, which will go into full effect at the beginning of next year, will be even bigger than healthcare reform. (Applause.) It will save families massive amounts of money for substantially better care.

美国病人永远不应被医疗费用蒙蔽。这就是为什么我签署了要求价格透明的行政命令的原因。 (掌声)许多专家认为,将于明年年初全面生效的透明度将比医疗改革更大。 (掌声)它将为家庭节省大量资金,以提供更好的医疗服务。

But as we work to improve Americans healthcare, there are those who want to take away your healthcare, take away your doctor, and abolish private insurance entirely.




THE PRESIDENT: One hundred thirty-two lawmakers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist takeover of our healthcare system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of 180 million very happy Americans. To those watching at home tonight, I want you to know:We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare. (Applause.)


Over 130 legislators in this chamber have endorsed legislation that would bankrupt our nation by providing free taxpayer-funded healthcare to millions of illegal aliens, forcing taxpayers to subsidize free care for anyone in the world who unlawfully crosses our borders. These proposals would raid the Medicare benefits of our seniors and that our seniors depend on, while acting as a powerful lure for illegal immigration. That is what is happening in California and other states. Their systems are totally out of control, costing taxpayers vast and unaffordable amounts of money.


If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left. But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government healthcare for illegal aliens. (Applause.)

如果强迫美国纳税人为非法外国人提供无限量的免费医疗服务对你来说听起来很公平,那么站在激进左翼的立场。但是,如果你认为我们应该为美国患者和美国老年人辩护,那么请与我站在一起并通过立法,禁止为非法外国人提供免费的政府医疗保健。 (掌声。)

This will be a tremendous boon to our already very strongly guarded southern border where, as we speak, a long, tall, and very powerful wall is being built. (Applause.) We have now completed over 100 miles and have over 500 miles fully completed in a very short period of time. Early next year, we will have substantially more than 500 miles completed.

这将对我们本来已非常严密保护的南部边界产生巨大的好处,正如我们所说,南部边界正在修建一堵长,又高又非常强大的墙。 (掌声)我们现在已经完成了100多英里,并且在很短的时间内就完成了500多英里。明年年初,我们将完成500多英里长的墙。

My administration is also taking on the big pharmaceutical companies. We have approved a record number of affordable generic drugs, and medicines are being approved by the FDA at a faster clip than ever before. (Applause.) And I was pleased to announce last year that, for the first time in 51 years, the cost of prescription drugs actually went down. (Applause.)

我的政府也正在与大型制药公司接洽。我们已经批准了创纪录数量的负担得起的平价药,并且美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)正在以比以往更快的速度批准药品。 (掌声)去年我很高兴地宣布,这是51年以来的第一次,处方药的价格实际上下降了。 (掌声。)

And working together, Congress can reduce drug prices substantially from current levels. Ive been speaking to Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa and others in Congress in order to get something on drug pricing done, and done quickly and properly. Im calling for bipartisan legislation that achieves the goal of dramatically lowering prescription drug prices. Get a bill on my desk, and I will sign it into law immediately. (Applause.)

通过共同努力,国会可以从当前水平大幅降低药品价格。我一直在与爱荷华州参议员查克格拉斯利以及国会其他议员交谈,以期完成药品定价工作,并迅速正确地进行。我呼吁建立两党立法,以实现大幅降低处方药价格的目标。有一法案在我的桌子上有,我会立即将其签署成为法律。 (掌声。)

AUDIENCE: H.R.3! H.R.3! H.R.3!


With unyielding commitment, we are curbing the opioid epidemic. Drug overdose deaths declined for the first time in nearly 30 years. (Applause.) Among the states hardest hit, Ohio is down 22 percent, Pennsylvania is down 18 percent, Wisconsin is down 10 percent and we will not quit until we have beaten the opioid epidemic once and for all. (Applause.)

不变的承诺,我们正在遏制阿片类药物的流行。药物过量死亡近30年来首次下降。 (掌声)在受影响最严重的州中,俄亥俄州下降了22%,宾夕法尼亚州下降了18%,威斯康星州下降了10%-我们不会放弃,直到我们彻底战胜阿片类药物的流行。(掌声。)

Protecting Americans health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.


We have launched ambitious new initiatives to substantially improve care for Americans with kidney disease, Alzheimers, and those struggling with mental health. And because Congress was so good as to fund my request, new cures for childhood cancer, and we will eradicate the AIDS epidemic in America by the end of this decade. (Applause.)

我们已启动了雄心勃勃的新计划,以大幅改善对患有肾脏疾病,阿尔茨海默氏病和精神健康问题的美国人的护理。而且由于国会是如此出色以至于给我的要求以资助 ,因此可以找到治疗儿童癌症的新方法,而且到本世纪末,美国将根除美国的艾滋病流行。 (掌声。)

Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. Here tonight is a special man, beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet. Rush Limbaugh, thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country. (Applause.)

几乎每个美国家庭都知道痛苦,当一个亲人被诊断出患有严重疾病时。今晚这里是一个特殊的男士,受到数百万美国人的爱戴,他刚刚收到4期晚期癌症诊断。这不是一个好消息,但是好消息是,他是你将遇到的最伟大的战士和胜利者。拉什林博(Rush Limbaugh),感谢你数十年来对我们国家的不懈努力。 (掌声。)

And, Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire, and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our countrys highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. (Applause.)

而且,拉什,认识到你为国家所做的一切,每天与你交谈的,和受你启发的数百万人,以及你为慈善事业所做的所有令人难以置信的工作,我荣幸地宣布今晚你将获得我们国家最高的平民荣誉,总统自由勋章。 (掌声。)

I will now ask the First Lady of the United States to present you with the honor. Please. (Applause.)

我现在请美国第一夫人为你颁奖。请。 (掌声。)

(The Medal of Freedom is presented.) (Applause.)


Rush and Kathryn, congratulations. Thank you, Kathryn.


As we pray for all who are sick, we know that America is constantly achieving new medical breakthroughs. In 2017, doctors at St. Lukes Hospital in Kansas City delivered one of the earliest premature babies ever to survive. Born at just 21 weeks and 6 days, and weighing less than a pound, Ellie Schneider was a born fighter. Through the skill of her doctors and the prayers of her parents, little Ellie kept on winning the battle of life. Today, Ellie is a strong, healthy two-year-old girl sitting with her amazing mother Robin in the Gallery. Ellie and Robin, we are glad to have you with us tonight. (Applause.)

当我们为所有患病的人祈祷时,我们知道美国正在不断取得新的医学突破。 2017年,堪萨斯城圣卢克医院的医生提供了有史以来最早的早产婴儿之一。 埃莉施耐德出生有21周零6天了,(刚出生)体重不到一磅,是一名天生的战士。通过她的医生的技术和父母的祈祷,小埃莉一直在赢得生命之战。如今,埃莉是一个坚强,健康的两岁女孩,与她令人惊异的母亲罗宾坐在大厅中。埃莉和罗宾,我们很高兴今晚与你们在一起。 (掌声。)

Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life. And thanks to modern medical wonders, 50 percent of very premature babies delivered at the hospital where Ellie was born now survive. Its an incredible thing. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

埃莉提醒我们,每个孩子都是生命的奇迹。多亏了现代医学的奇观,在埃莉出生的医院分娩的早产婴儿中有50%现在可以生存了。这是不可思议的事情。非常感谢你们。 (掌声。)

Our goal should be to ensure that every baby has the best chance to thrive and grow just like Ellie. That is why Im asking Congress to provide an additional $50 million to fund neonatal research for Americas youngest patients. (Applause.)

我们的目标应该是确保每个婴儿都有像埃莉一样的最好的机会发展和成长。因此,我要求国会再提供5,000万美元,资助美国新生儿最年轻患者的研究。 (掌声。)

That is why Im also calling upon members of Congress here tonight to pass legislation finally banning the late-term abortion of babies. (Applause.) Whether we are Republican, Democrat, or independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God.

这就是为什么我今晚还呼吁国会议员通过立法,最终禁止对婴儿进行晚期堕胎。 (掌声)无论我们是共和党人,民主党人还是独立人士,我们都必须肯定所有人都认同,每一个人的生命都是上帝的神圣礼物。

As we support Americas moms and dads, I was recently proud to sign the law providing new parents in the federal workforce paid family leave, serving as a model for the rest of the country. (Applause.)

当我们支持美国的父母时,我最近很自豪地签署法律,规定联邦劳动大军中的新父母有带薪家庭假,并以此作为美国其它地区的榜样。 (掌声。)

Now I call on the Congress to pass the bipartisan Advancing Support for Working Families Act, extending family leave to mothers and fathers all across our nation. (Applause.)


Forty million American families have an average $2,200 extra thanks to our child tax credit. (Applause.) Ive also overseen historic funding increases for high-quality child care, enabling 17 states to help more children, many of which have reduced or eliminated their waitlists altogether. (Applause.) And I sent Congress a plan with a vision to further expand access to high-quality child care, and urge you to act immediately. (Applause.)

有四千万个美国家庭平均多了$ 2,200的收入,由于我们的儿童税收抵免。 (掌声)我还监督了为高质量儿童保育的拨款的历史性增长,使17个州能够帮助更多的儿童,其中许多州已经完全减少或取消了他们的候补名单。 (掌声)我向国会发送了一项计划,旨在进一步扩大获得高质量儿童保育的机会,并敦促你立即采取行动。 (掌声。)

To protect the environment, days ago I announced that the United States will join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together government and private sector to plant new trees in America and all around the world. (Applause.)

为了保护环境,几天前,我宣布美国将加入万亿棵树计划,这是一项雄心勃勃的努力,旨在将政府和私营部门联合起来,在美国和世界各地种植新的树木。 (掌声。)

We must also rebuild Americas infrastructure. (Applause.) I ask you to pass Senator John Barrassos highway bill to invest in new roads, bridges, and tunnels all across our land.

我们还必须重建美国的基础设施。 (掌声)我请你通过参议员约翰巴拉索(John Barrasso)的高速公路法案,以便在我们国家投资建设新的道路,桥梁和隧道。

Im also committed to ensuring that every citizen can have access to high-speed Internet, including and especially in rural America. (Applause.)

我还致力于确保每个公民都能使用高速互联网,尤其包括美国农村地区。 (掌声。)

A better tomorrow for all Americans also requires us to keep America safe. That means supporting the men and women of law enforcement at every level, including our nations heroic ICE officers. (Applause.)

对所有美国人来说,更美好的明天也需要我们确保美国的安全。这意味着要在各个层面上支持执法人员,包括我们国家英勇的美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)官员。 (掌声。)

Last year, our brave ICE officers arrested more than 120,000 criminal aliens charged with nearly 10,000 burglaries, 5,000 sexual assaults, 45,000 violent assaults, and 2,000 murders.


Tragically, there are many cities in America where radical politicians have chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal illegal aliens.




THE PRESIDENT: In sanctuary cities, local officials order police to release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public, instead of handing them over to ICE to be safely removed.


Just 29 days ago, a criminal alien freed by the sanctuary city of New York was charged with the brutal rape and murder of a 92-year-old woman. The killer had been previously arrested for assault, but under New Yorks sanctuary policies, he was set free. If the city had honored ICEs detainer request, his victim would still be alive today.


The state of California passed an outrageous law declaring their whole state to be a sanctuary for criminal illegal immigrants a very terrible sanctuary with catastrophic results.


Here is just one tragic example. In December 2018, California police detained an illegal alien with five prior arrests, including convictions for robbery and assault. But as required by Californias Sanctuary Law, local authorities released him.

这只是一个悲惨的例子。 2018年12月,加利福尼亚警方拘捕了一名非法外国人,此前曾对其进行五次逮捕,包括因抢劫和殴打而被定罪。但是,根据加州庇护法的要求,地方当局释放了他。

Days later, the criminal alien went on a gruesome spree of deadly violence. He viciously shot one man going about his daily work. He approached a woman sitting in her car and shot her in the arm and in the chest. He walked into a convenience store and wildly fired his weapon. He hijacked a truck and smashed into vehicles, critically injuring innocent victims. One of the victims is a terrible, terrible situation; died 51-year-old American named Rocky Jones.


Rocky was at a gas station when this vile criminal fired eight bullets at him from close range, murdering him in cold blood. Rocky left behind a devoted family, including his brothers, who loved him more than anything else in the world. One of his grieving brothers is here with us tonight. Jody, would you please stand? Jody, thank you. (Applause.) Jody our hearts weep for your loss, and we will not rest until you have justice.

洛基当时在一个加油站,那时这个邪恶的罪犯从近距离向他发射了八发子弹,冷血的谋杀了他。洛基留下了一个忠诚的家庭,包括他的兄弟,他对洛基的爱比世界上任何其他人都多。今晚他的一个悲痛的兄弟与我们同在。乔迪,你能站起来吗?乔迪,谢谢你。 (掌声)乔迪我们为你失去亲人而哭泣,我们不会停歇,直至你得到正义。

Senator Thom Tillis has introduced legislation to allow Americans like Jody to sue sanctuary cities and states when a loved one is hurt or killed as a result of these deadly practices. (Applause.)


I ask Congress to pass the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act immediately. The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens. (Applause.)

我要求国会立即通过《庇护城市受害者正义法》。美利坚合众国应该是守法美国人的庇护所,而不是外国罪犯的庇护所。 (掌声。)

In the last three years, ICE has arrested over 5,000 wicked human traffickers. And I have signed nine pieces of legislation to stamp out the menace of human trafficking, domestically and all around the globe. My administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to secure the southern border of the United States. (Applause.)

在过去三年中,美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)逮捕了5,000多名邪恶的人口贩子。我已经签署了九项立法,以消除国内和全球人口贩运的威胁。我国政府为确保美国南部边界作出了空前的努力。 (掌声。)

Before I came into office, if you showed up illegally on our southern border and were arrested, you were simply released and allowed into our country, never to be seen again. My administration has ended catch and release. (Applause.) If you come illegally, you will now be promptly removed from our country. (Applause.)

在我上任之前,如果你非法到达我们的南部边界并被捕,你将被释放并被允许进入我们的国家,再也不会被看到。我的政府已结束追捕和释放这一做法。 (掌声)如果你非法入境,你将即时被从我们国家遣返。 (掌声。)

Very importantly, we entered into historic cooperation agreements with the governments of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. As a result of our unprecedented efforts, illegal crossings are down 75 percent since May, dropping eight straight months in a row. (Applause.) And as the wall rapidly goes up, drug seizures rise, and the border crossings are down, and going down very rapidly.

非常重要的是,我们与墨西哥,洪都拉斯,萨尔瓦多和危地马拉政府达成了历史性合作协议。由于我们进行了空前的努力,自5月以来,非法入境点下降了75%,连续八个月下降。 (掌声)随着隔离墙的迅速建起,毒品的缉获量上升,过境点下降,下降速度非常快。

Last year, I traveled to the border in Texas and met Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz. Over the last 24 months, Agent Ortiz and his team have seized more than 200,000 pounds of poisonous narcotics, arrested more than 3,000 human smugglers, and rescued more than 2,000 migrants. Days ago, Agent Ortiz was promoted to Deputy Chief of Border Patrol, and he joins us tonight. Chief Ortiz, please stand. (Applause.) A grateful nation thanks you and all of the heroes of Border Patrol and ICE. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)

去年,我去了德克萨斯州的边境,见到了首席巡逻员劳尔奥尔蒂斯。在过去的24个月中,巡逻官员奥尔蒂斯和他的团队缉获了超过200,000磅的有毒麻醉品,逮捕了3000多名人口走私者,并拯救了2000多名移民。几天前,巡逻官奥尔蒂斯被提升为边境巡逻队副团长,他今晚将加入我们。奥尔蒂斯团长,请站起来。 (掌声)感激的国家谢谢你以及边境巡逻队和美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)的所有英雄。非常感谢你。谢谢。 (掌声。)

To build on these historic gains, we are working on legislation to replace our outdated and randomized immigration system with one based on merit, welcoming those who follow the rules, contribute to our economy, support themselves financially, and uphold our values. (Applause.)

基于这些历史性的成就,我们正在制定法律,以此取代过时的,随机的移民体系,并欢迎那些遵守规则,为我们的经济做出贡献,在经济上支持自己并维护我们的价值观的人们。 (掌声。)

With every action, my administration is restoring the rule of law and reasserting the culture of American freedom. (Applause.) Working with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell thank you, Mitch (applause) and his colleagues in the Senate, we have confirmed a record number of 187 new federal judges to uphold our Constitution as written. This includes two brilliant new Supreme Court justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Thank you. (Applause.) And we have many in the pipeline. (Laughter and applause.)

我的政府将采取一切行动,恢复法治,并重申美国的自由文化。 (掌声)与参议院多数党领袖米奇麦康奈尔一起工作-谢谢米奇-(掌声)-和他在参议院的同事们合作,我们确认了创纪录的数字187名新联邦法官,将遵守我们的宪法。其中包括两位杰出的新任最高法院法官,尼尔戈拉奇和布雷特卡瓦诺。谢谢。 (掌声)我们还有很多法官入选。 (笑声和掌声)

My administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the constitutional right to pray in public schools. (Applause.) In America, we dont punish prayer. We dont tear down crosses. We dont ban symbols of faith. We dont muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith, we cherish religion, we lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God.

我的政府还捍卫宗教自由,其中包括宪法规定的在公立学校祈祷的权利。 (掌声)在美国,我们不惩罚祈祷。我们不拆十字架。我们不禁止信仰的象征物。我们不封口传教士和牧师。在美国,我们庆祝信仰,珍惜宗教,在高声祷告,并把目光投向了神的荣耀。

Just as we believe in the First Amendment, we also believe in another constitutional right that is under siege all across our country. So long as I am President, I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. (Applause.)

正如我们相信《第一修正案》一样,我们也相信另一项宪法权利正在全国范围内遭到围困。只要我是总统,我将永远保护你们的第二修正案保留和携带武器的权利。 (掌声。)

In reaffirming our heritage as a free nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation. Now we must embrace the next frontier, Americas manifest destiny in the stars. I am asking Congress to fully fund the Artemis program to ensure that the next man and the first woman on the Moon will be American astronauts (applause) using this as a launching pad to ensure that America is the first nation to plant its flag on Mars. (Applause.)

在重申我们自由国家的传统时,我们必须记住,美国一直是前沿国家。现在,我们必须拥抱下一个前沿领域,即美国在星空中的命运。我要求国会全额资助阿耳忒弥斯计划,以确保下一个男士和月球上的第一个女士成为美国宇航员(鼓掌),以此作为开启点,以确保美国是第一个在火星上悬挂美国旗帜的国家。 (掌声。)

My administration is also strongly defending our national security and combating radical Islamic terrorism. (Applause.)

我国政府还坚决捍卫我们的国家安全和打击激进的伊斯兰恐怖主义。 (掌声。)

Last week, I announced a groundbreaking plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Recognizing that all past attempts have failed, we must be determined and creative in order to stabilize the region and give millions of young people the chance to realize a better future.


Three years ago, the barbarians of ISIS held over 20,000 square miles of territory in Iraq and Syria. Today, the ISIS territorial caliphate has been 100 percent destroyed, and the founder and leader of ISIS the bloodthirsty killer known as al-Baghdadi is dead. (Applause.)

三年前,ISIS的野蛮人占领了伊拉克和叙利亚超过20,000平方英里的领土。如今,ISIS的领土哈里发已被100%摧毁,ISIS的创始人和领导人-嗜血杀手巴格达迪死了。 (掌声。)

We are joined this evening by Carl and Marsha Mueller. After graduating from college, their beautiful daughter Kayla became a humanitarian aid worker. She once wrote, Some people find God in church. Some people find God in nature. Some people find God in love. I find God in suffering. Ive known for some time what my lifes work is, using my hands as tools to relieve suffering. In 2013, while caring for suffering civilians in Syria, Kayla was kidnapped, tortured, and enslaved by ISIS, and kept as a prisoner of al-Baghdadi himself. After more than 500 horrifying days of captivity, al-Baghdadi murdered young, beautiful Kayla. She was just 26 years old.


On the night that U.S. Special Forces Operations ended al-Baghdadis miserable life, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, received a call in the Situation Room. He was told that the brave men of the elite Special Forces team that so perfectly carried out the operation had given their mission a name: Task Force 8-14. It was a reference to a special day:August 14th Kaylas birthday. Carl and Marsha, Americas warriors never forgot Kayla and neither will we. Thank you. (Applause.)

在美国特种部队行动结束巴格达迪可悲一生的那天晚上,参谋长联席会议主席马克米尔利将军在战情室接到了电话。有人告诉他,精通特种部队的英勇精锐团队的士兵给他们的任务起了个名字:8-14特遣部队。它指的是特殊的日子:8月14日-凯拉的生日。美国勇士卡尔和玛莎从未忘记凯拉-我们也不会。谢谢。 (掌声。)

Every day, Americas men and women in uniform demonstrate the infinite depth of love that dwells in the human heart.


One of these American heroes was Army Staff Sergeant Christopher Hake. On his second deployment to Iraq in 2008, Sergeant Hake wrote a letter to his one-year-old son, Gage: I will be with you again, he wrote to Gage. I will teach you to ride your first bike, build your first sand box, watch you play sports, and see you have kids also. I love you son. Take care of your mother. I am always with you. Daddy.


On Easter Sunday of 2008, Chris was out on patrol in Baghdad when his Bradley Fighting Vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. That night, he made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Sergeant Hake now rests in eternal glory in Arlington, and his wife Kelli is in the Gallery tonight, joined by their son, who is now a 13-year-old and doing very, very well. To Kelli and Gage:Chris will live in our hearts forever. He is looking down on you now. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Thank you both very much.

在2008年复活节星期天,克里斯托弗在巴格达巡逻,他的布雷德利战车被路边炸弹击中。那天晚上,他为我国作出了最终的牺牲。哈克中士现在安息在阿灵顿(美国国家公墓)拥有永恒的荣耀,他的妻子凯莉今晚也在会议厅,还有他们的儿子,儿子现在已经13岁了,做得非常非常好。对凯莉和凯莉说:克里斯将永远活在我们的心中。他现在在天堂关注你们。谢谢。 (掌声)非常感谢。非常感谢你们。

The terrorist responsible for killing Sergeant Hake was Qasem Soleimani, who provided the deadly roadside bomb that took Chriss life. Soleimani was the Iranian regimes most ruthless butcher, a monster who murdered or wounded thousands of American service members in Iraq. As the worlds top terrorist, Soleimani orchestrated the deaths of countless men, women, and children. He directed the December assault and went on to assault U.S. forces in Iraq. Was actively planning new attacks when we hit him very hard. And thats why, last month, at my direction, the U.S. military executed a flawless precision strike that killed Soleimani and terminated his evil reign of terror forever. (Applause.)

杀死哈克中士的恐怖分子是苏兰曼尼,他提供了致命的路边炸弹,炸死了克里斯。苏兰曼尼是伊朗政权最残酷的屠夫,是一个在伊拉克谋杀或伤害数千名美国服役军人的怪物。作为世界上最大的恐怖分子,苏兰曼尼精心策划了无数男女老幼死亡的事件。他指挥了12月的袭击,并继续向驻伊美军进攻。当我们给他致命的打击时,他正在积极计划新的攻击。因此,上个月,在我的指导下,美国军方进行了一次完美无瑕的精确打击,杀死了苏兰曼尼,并永远终止了他的邪恶恐怖统治。 (掌声。)

Our message to the terrorists is clear:You will never escape American justice. If you attack our citizens, you forfeit your life. (Applause.)

我们给恐怖分子的信息很明确:你将永远无法逃脱美国的法律制裁。如果你攻击我们的公民,你将偿命。 (掌声。)

In recent months, we have seen proud Iranians raise their voices against their oppressive rulers. The Iranian regime must abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons; stop spreading terror, death, and destruction; and start working for the good of its own people.


Because of our powerful sanctions, the Iranian economy is doing very, very poorly. We can help them make a very good and short-time recovery. It can all go very quickly, but perhaps they are too proud or too foolish to ask for that help. We are here. Lets see which road they choose. It is totally up to them. (Applause.)

由于我们的强大的制裁,伊朗经济情况非常非常糟糕。我们可以帮助他们在短期内恢复。一切都可以很快进行,但是也许他们太骄傲或太愚蠢而不去寻求帮助。我们在这里。让我们看看他们选择哪条路。这完全取决于他们。 (掌声。)

As we defend American lives, we are working to end Americas wars in the Middle East.


In Afghanistan, the determination and valor of our warfighters has allowed us to make tremendous progress, and peace talks are now underway. I am not looking to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan, many of them totally innocent. It is also not our function to serve other nations as law enforcement agencies. These are warfighters that we have the best in the world and they either want to fight to win or not fight at all. We are working to finally end Americas longest war and bring our troops back home. (Applause.)


War places a heavy burden on our nations extraordinary military families, especially spouses like Amy Williams from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and her two children six-year-old Elliana and three-year-old Rowan. Amy works full-time and volunteers countless hours helping other military families. For the past seven months, she has done it all while her husband, Sergeant First Class Townsend Williams, is in Afghanistan on his fourth deployment in the Middle East. Amys kids havent seen their fathers face in many months. Amy, your familys sacrifice makes it possible for all of our families to live in safety and in peace, and we want to thank you. Thank you, Amy. (Applause.)

战争给美国非凡的军人家庭带来了沉重负担,尤其是诸如北卡罗来纳州福特堡的艾米威廉姆斯的配偶,以及她的两个孩子,分别是六岁的埃里安娜和三岁的罗文。艾米有全职工作,她也做了无数小时的志愿者,帮助其他军人家庭。在过去的七个月中,她所做的一切,都是在她的丈夫汤森德威廉姆斯中士在阿富汗,也就是被第四次派往中东驻扎时期完成的。艾米的孩子们已经好几个月没有看到父亲的脸了。艾米,你的家人的牺牲使我们所有的家庭可以安全与和平的生活,我们要感谢你。谢谢你,艾米。 (掌声。)

But, Amy, there is one more thing. Tonight, we have a very special surprise. I am thrilled to inform you that your husband is back from deployment. He is here with us tonight, and we couldnt keep him waiting any longer. (Applause.)

但是,艾米,还有一件事。今晚,我们有一个非常特别的惊喜。我很高兴地通知你,你的丈夫已从驻军地归来。今晚他与我们同在,我们一刻也不能让他再等待了。 (掌声。)



THE PRESIDENT: Welcome home, Sergeant Williams. Thank you very much.


As the world bears witness tonight, America is a land of heroes. This is a place where greatness is born, where destinies are forged, and where legends come to life. This is the home of Thomas Edison and Teddy Roosevelt, of many great generals including Washington, Pershing, Patton, and MacArthur. This is the home of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong, and so many more. This is the country where children learn names like Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett, and Annie Oakley. This is the place where the pilgrims landed at Plymouth and where Texas patriots made their last stand at the Alamo (applause) the beautiful, beautiful Alamo.


The American nation was carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest, strongest, fiercest, and most determined men and women ever to walk on the face of the Earth. Our ancestors braved the unknown; tamed the wilderness; settled the Wild West; lifted millions from poverty, disease, and hunger; vanquished tyranny and fascism; ushered the world to new heights of science and medicine; laid down the railroads, dug out the canals, raised up the skyscrapers. And, ladies and gentlemen, our ancestors built the most exceptional republic ever to exist in all of human history, and we are making it greater than ever before. (Applause.)

美国这个国家是由地球上有史以来最坚强、最强大、最猛、最坚定的男士盒女士在辽阔土地上开拓出来的。我们的祖先勇敢面对未知。驯服了旷野;拓荒狂野的西部;使数百万人摆脱了贫困,疾病和饥饿;战胜了暴政和法西斯主义;将世界带入科学和医学的新高度;铺铁路,挖运河,建造摩天大楼。女士们,先生们,我们的祖先们建立了人类历史上有史以来最杰出的共和国,而且我们正在使它比以往任何时候都更大。 (掌声。)

This is our glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the pathfinders. We settled the New World, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God. (Applause.)

这是我们光辉灿烂的遗产。我们是美国人。我们是先驱者。我们是开拓者。我们建立了新世界,我们建立了现代世界,我们永远改变了历史,因为我们拥抱永恒的真理,即万能的神创造人并使人人平等。 (掌声。)

America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. And here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true.


This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece. We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun.这个国家是我们的画布,这个国家是我们的杰作。我们展望明天,看到无限的前沿领域等着我们去探索。我们最重大的发现还不为人所知,我们最激动人心的故事还没有讲完,我们最伟大的旅程还没有开始。美国的时代,美国的史诗,美国的冒险刚刚起步。

Our spirit is still young, the sun is still rising, Gods grace is still shining, and, my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come. (Applause.)

我们的精神还年轻,太阳仍在升起,神的恩典仍在照耀,而我的美国同胞们,最好的日子还在后面。 (掌声。)


Thank you. God Bless You. And God Bless America. Thank you very much. (Applause.)




10:24 P.M. EST




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